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Thread: Measurement Question?

  1. #1

    Measurement Question?

    Ok, I have u-100 slin needles, goes up tp 30 units
    I have Igf lr3 1mg/ml. So how many units on the needle will yield 20mcg?
    I was thinking 1 I.U.=10mcg, is this correct?

    Captain Anabolic

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by captain anabolic
    Ok, I have u-100 slin needles, goes up tp 30 units
    I have Igf lr3 1mg/ml. So how many units on the needle will yield 20mcg?
    I was thinking 1 I.U.=10mcg, is this correct?

    Captain Anabolic
    Yes, 1IU does equal 10mcg at that concentration, but make sure you know how many IUs are represented by one tic on the pin. Even on a U-100 1cc pin, one tic represents 2IUs. if it's a U-100 that only measures 30IUs, I'd assume that it would have space for 30 tics as well.....obviously count and make sure though.

  3. #3
    Thanks "E"

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