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Thread: GH cycle for serious mass ... offseason time

  1. #1

    GH cycle for serious mass ... offseason time

    Ok I have a whole year to bulk my weight is now 265 lbs i wanna get to 310 - 330 . MY cycle consists of 8iu gh everysay (gh stolen from the hospital :P) for 3 full months + slin

    100mg of anadrol everyday for 7 weeks
    400 - 600 mg of deca
    300 - 500 mg of equipoise
    primo (If I manage to get it ) 400 mg per week
    Now is doing 1.5g - 2g of test an overkill ?
    and if u have the choice of sus enanthate or prop which would u go for ?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by ARABIAN_FREAK
    Ok I have a whole year to bulk my weight is now 265 lbs i wanna get to 310 - 330 . MY cycle consists of 8iu gh everysay (gh stolen from the hospital :P) for 3 full months + slin

    100mg of anadrol everyday for 7 weeks
    400 - 600 mg of deca
    300 - 500 mg of equipoise
    primo (If I manage to get it ) 400 mg per week
    Now is doing 1.5g - 2g of test an overkill ?
    and if u have the choice of sus enanthate or prop which would u go for ?
    What's your cycle experience? What range of mg/wk have you used in the past?
    I can almost say for sure that 2g of test is overkill without knowing the answer to the questions I asked. I wouldn't bother with primo in that stack, as it won't make any real noticeable difference.
    I always prefer a single ester test, like enanthate, over sust.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    a state of denial
    Looking at the doses of the other AAS, and assuming that you got to those doses by using less several times in the past, 700-1g of test should be enough.

    7 weeks of anadrol is excessive, I would go no more than 5.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    a state of denial
    If you are using the GH for mass, 8ius is plenty, but you will need to include insulin to get your moneys worth in three months time.

  5. #5
    I have used 1.5g of test enanthate for 3 weeks but it was just loading phase. and yes insulin is used .

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    a state of denial
    If you have used 800-900 before, 1g will be ok.

    2g is too much compared to the other doses. You would get much better gains by kicking the deca up to 600 and the eq up to 800.

    Have you used deca and eq together before? There isnt much talk about that around here, the majority opinion on AR is that deca is inferior to eq, I disagree.

    I am curious as I was considering running them together next fall. On paper, it is one hell of an anabolic combo.

  7. #7
    Actually it differs from one person to another , but I dont remember anyone who was dissapointed with stacking the 2 together , most of my friends take both at doses above 1 g some over 2 g but im th youngest of all my friends ... all my friends are top amatuers tryin to get a pro card , my training partner just won the german nationals and got his procard, his current cycle is worth 30 k euros .

  8. #8
    Another thing you need to consider is that all of these compounds are competing for the same receptors, so using one of them (test) in 2x-3x the quantities, you're greatly reducing the potential for the others to have significant effects. Increasing doses, in general, simply allows for a greater probability that an AAS molecule will bind an AR. Just because megadoses are used by many top level BBers, doesn't mean it's the most effective way of doing things.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    How did you manage to steal GH from the hospital. I am a med student so I am in the hospital all the time let me know how you managed to do that...give me your epic story of how you managed to do that...

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