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Thread: Are GH gain more permenent?

  1. #1

    Are GH gain more permenent?

    Okay, this is what my opinion of why GH gives you permenent results, just let me know if this is correct or incorrect. When you take steroids, they work well with the muscles cell you already have, making those cells bigger and much stronger, but when you get off of steroids, your muscles cells have a tendency to restore themselves to the way they were before the roids, that is why i think most people lose some of the gains(if not most of them) that that made on steroids. Now here is my interpitation of Growth Hormone. Your body has certain genetics that allow you to produce only a certain amount of musles cells. You still have the ability to produce muscle cells, but to what extent depends on you genetic make up. Now when you use growth hormone, Your ability to produce new musle cells has just increased. With that in mind, the end result is more actual growth do to more cell prodution rather then cell size increase. So your gains are more permenent. Your ability to lose mucle cells in your body is not very common unless your body is put under extreme situations like stranded in a desert with no food for like a year, lol. But a combination of both steroids and GH can lead to some awsome true gains.

    Now i am not sure if this is true or noe, but this is how it was explained to me and just wondering what you guys think.

  2. #2
    This thread explains how IGF-1 works, in general. GH works, with regard to what you're asking, by increasing IGF-1, so the above thread is applicable to GH too.

  3. #3
    so gains from GH are permenent because they increase IGF-1, thus the IGF increasing cell production. but i am right about the gain being more permenent due to more cell production, i can't wait to do my next cycle with GH. cooooool

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by go4gold
    so gains from GH are permenent because they increase IGF-1, thus the IGF increasing cell production. but i am right about the gain being more permenent due to more cell production, i can't wait to do my next cycle with GH. cooooool
    The gains are permanent, so to speak. You still have the same potential for muscular atrophy, but you'll retain the greater growth potential due to increased muscle fibers/muscle cells.

  5. #5
    cool, not like i'm going to just sit on my butt and trade lifting for tv after i get my gains, lol. thanks for the info E

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