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Thread: Too young for GH???

  1. #1

    Too young for GH???

    Hi im 20 gonna be 21 in 5 days, i did 2 cycles of deca and sust (1 amp of each) im on my current cycle of eq for 20 weeks 600mg, i did test prop the first 10 weeks 500mg. I seriously wanna go pro. Im 6' 252lbs 18 inch arms 52 inch chest 34-36 inch waist. my goals are to get all out huge, be proprotionate and cut my bodyfat! thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    general rule has been to wait until mid 20's to start GH. THe benefits dont seem to outweigh the possible consequences at that age. Best thing to do is be patient and wait till then.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    ok, im in somewhat of the same situation, except i compete. I can list the benefits, could someone list the negatives of starting at 21-22yrs old???? I was planning 6 months. Im only gonna use a small dose anyway for some good results over a period of time (3iu b4 bed every night) along with AAS and slin.

    I know it will increase strength, strengthen ligaments and tendons, hyperplasia, and just increased muscle maturity and seperation as well as lower bodyfat.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Both are way to young. GH is most beneficial to someone in there 30's. Your body is producing an all time high of GH, why ruin a good thing.

    Also, your still to young to be doing AS.

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