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Thread: gh insulin and t3

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    gh insulin and t3

    i've been on gh for like six months and i cycle insulin on and off.. just started doing 25mcg's of t3 a day.. my question is this enough..currently bulking.. taking in 400g of protein 1000g of carbs and 200g of fat.. i'm 25 years old 5'6 and 215lbs at 7 percent bodyfat..i wanna gain 15lbs before june 1.. then i start tearing down..will the t3 prevent me from gaining??.. i'm also on 1000mg of test and just started some deca..may through some d'bols in there but my lower back is killing me..i was 193lbs 2 weeks ago i was supposed to do a contest but backed out last minute..any info will be appriciated...

  2. #2
    GH downregulates your own T3 production, so 25mcgs won't hurt you, but will actually be about right to get you back to where you'd be, T3 wise, if you weren't taking GH.

    You gained 22lbs in 2 weeks?

    Have you looked into IGF-1?

    How long have you been cycling the slin with the GH?

    How many IU's/day of GH are you using?

    Also, how many IUs of slin (which slin) and how many times perd day are you using slin?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    ive used igf as a bridge back in october.. i only come off completely sept and oct. 2 months a was pretty good but it was suspended in ba.. which i don't trust.. next time i try i want to buy it in powder form and mix it my self..

    6 iu's a day.. 2 three times a day. once the morning once after training and once late afternoon.. 6 months on gh and insulin..

    i just got back on insulin a few weeks ago..for the past week ive been doing 10units in the am and 10 after my workout(humilog).. i used to only use 10units post workout.. but 10 twice daily speaks for itself i just gained 22lbs..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    if you guys had i pic forum i would post my pics at 200lbs at 5percent. that was about 8 weeks ago..

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by rockie
    if you guys had i pic forum i would post my pics at 200lbs at 5percent. that was about 8 weeks ago..
    There is a pic forum

  6. #6
    The IGF-1 in BA is no problem. I think if you added IGF-1 now while on, it would make a better impression.
    Have you used tren yet?
    test/tren/EQ is amazing for me....add some IGF-1, slin, and GH.....oh, the possibilities.

    I'd definitely consider IGF-1 now that you're back on.

    Quote Originally Posted by rockie
    ive used igf as a bridge back in october.. i only come off completely sept and oct. 2 months a was pretty good but it was suspended in ba.. which i don't trust.. next time i try i want to buy it in powder form and mix it my self..

    6 iu's a day.. 2 three times a day. once the morning once after training and once late afternoon.. 6 months on gh and insulin..

    i just got back on insulin a few weeks ago..for the past week ive been doing 10units in the am and 10 after my workout(humilog).. i used to only use 10units post workout.. but 10 twice daily speaks for itself i just gained 22lbs..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    i've been back on since november. i was using fina for the last 4 months at 100mg eod.. i just switched to deca.. just to get something different in my system... i think i'll continue what i'm doing till i stop ganing...i'll save igf for next bridge..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    check the pics section..

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by rockie
    check the pics section..
    Impressive....thick and lean. Had you been using 6IUs of GH/day for the whole 6 months?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    started out with 4 for the first 4 months..i notice while on slin my hands get numb alot more.. i think it's because while using slin it helps the gh to convert to igf 1 at a higher rate..

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