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Thread: how much t3 while on gh and how long.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    how much t3 while on gh and how long.

    what dosage should i stay with t3 while on gh.. ive been on for 6 months..also how long should i stay on it.. i'm bulking right now...any info will help thanks guys..

  2. #2
    Are you looking at taking the T3 just to make up for GH reducing T3 levels? I assume so, since you're bulking right now. There's no way to tell how much GH will reduce your T3 production without blood tests, but I'd say in the 12.5-25mcg range would definitely make up for reduced T3 caused by using GH. Since you're bulking, keep in mind that T3 does increase IGFBPs, which will bind IGF-1 and therefore reduce, slightly, the anabolic effects of the GH. It'll probably be unnoticeable, but it's something to consider too.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    thanks einstein... i started t3 march 23rd. how long should i stay on it?? also should i take l tyrosine when i come off????

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by rockie
    thanks einstein... i started t3 march 23rd. how long should i stay on it?? also should i take l tyrosine when i come off????
    Some say that low doses of T3 aren't supressive to your own T3 production. I'm not so sure about that being true. See if you can find something by Mallet on what doses he says are safe to take and not suppress. If he says 12.5-25mcg, then you can stay on for the duration (still check with Mallet on that too). When coming off, I'd do Mallet's recommended thyroid pct to be safe.

  5. #5
    einstein.........for doing a 6month -1year cycle of 4iu a day is t3 required? I'm looking for very lean gains and maybe a little bit of loss of bf but still trying to stay in an anabolic state?


  6. #6
    Einstein. Is t3 required when doing 4 iu a day for 6-12months? I am going to try to make lean gains and maybe drop down the bf % a little while trying to stay anabolic?


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