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Thread: slin PCT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    slin PCT

    i plan on running humalog PCT 4 weeks, starting at 4 IU, and working up to 8 or 10 IU depending on how my body reacts. i am well educated on all of the precautions, diet, and dangers of insulin, i was just curious if any of you have ran slin through PCT, and if you have any tips i would really appreciate them. thanks, also i will be injecting it into the muscle that was just worked, and on off days, i will inject into the muscle worked on the day before

  2. #2
    Slin during pct is the next best time other than during a cycle IMO. Cortisol is high, and slin does a great job in controlling it. Are you using it with IGF-1 too? Going IM into the muscle worked is what I'll be doing combined with LR3 (same pin...same time). Even if you're not using IGF-1 too, I like the IM into the muscle worked. Creatine has some value during pct, and with slin, it's all the more effective. For your simple carbs after your injection, you may want to use a low pH fruit juice (know the number of carbs (fructose)), add the additional dextrose to get your desired number of total simple carbs/IU of slin, and also add the creatine, as a low pH, high insulin environment is soo much better for using creatine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    im going to try slin this time, and i will be including glutamine, creatine, dextrose, and whey protein PW. no LR3 this time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    WTF? You guys inject slin IM? I was told not to do that and just do it subcutanoes?

    As for the tips: eat enough carbs on the first day! Even at 5IU on my first day I got a terrible headache and felt sleepy... The days after I popped up to 12 IU and adjusted my post-workout meals and had not a single problem.

    When doing 12 IU post-workout I'd eat the following immediately after my shot:
    - 30 gr whey
    - 5gr BCAA
    - 10 gr glutamine
    - 5gr creatine
    - 100 gr dextrose
    - 1 banana

    An hour later I eat the following:
    - 30gr whey powder + 300ml skimmed milk
    - 120gr cereals

    Also I haven't noticed any fat gains. The key is eating lean, avoid fat 'till 5 hours after your shot. Better be safe than sorry.

    3 weeks on / 3 weeks off
    When on slin I I get great pumps and get stronger...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Roidfever
    WTF? You guys inject slin IM? I was told not to do that and just do it subcutanoes?

    As for the tips: eat enough carbs on the first day! Even at 5IU on my first day I got a terrible headache and felt sleepy... The days after I popped up to 12 IU and adjusted my post-workout meals and had not a single problem.

    When doing 12 IU post-workout I'd eat the following immediately after my shot:
    - 30 gr whey
    - 5gr BCAA
    - 10 gr glutamine
    - 5gr creatine
    - 100 gr dextrose
    - 1 banana

    An hour later I eat the following:
    - 30gr whey powder + 300ml skimmed milk
    - 120gr cereals

    Also I haven't noticed any fat gains. The key is eating lean, avoid fat 'till 5 hours after your shot. Better be safe than sorry.

    3 weeks on / 3 weeks off
    When on slin I I get great pumps and get stronger...

    yea it can be done IM, this is what my diet will look like PW
    PW shake 80-100grams dextrose, 60 grams protein, creatine, glutamine
    1 hour later, boiled chicken, brown rice, and broccoli,(grams of fat.close to 0)
    2 hours after that, same meal. ( i love boiled chicken)

    also, i was under the impression that you can run it 4 weeks on 4 weeks off. if not, when should i start it if my PCT is 4 weeks, a week after starting or the first week.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by χαίνω
    yea it can be done IM, this is what my diet will look like PW
    PW shake 80-100grams dextrose, 60 grams protein, creatine, glutamine
    1 hour later, boiled chicken, brown rice, and broccoli,(grams of fat.close to 0)
    2 hours after that, same meal. ( i love boiled chicken)

    also, i was under the impression that you can run it 4 weeks on 4 weeks off. if not, when should i start it if my PCT is 4 weeks, a week after starting or the first week.
    If your pct is a full 4 weeks, I'd start slin when you start pct. You can go 4 on/off. In any cycling schedule you'll have some potential to develop some degree of insulin resistance. 4 on/off is pretty tried and true.
    I take roughly 10g of whey/IU of slin, with a minimum of 50g no matter what the dose. Also, if you're worried about fat, the dextrose post w/o should eventually be weened down to exactly the amount you need and no more. You want only enough carbs, too much means potential for fat.
    Your meals look pretty much like mine.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    thanks, that was what i wanted to clear up with you , i had a feeling that the excess of simple carbs would end up adding BF.

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