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Thread: What are normal Blood glucose Levels ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    What are normal Blood glucose Levels ?

    I bought a blood glucose tester . My Blood Glucose level was 97.
    I was just wondering what the ranges were, like what is considered low, normal and high .

  2. #2
    100-125 is considered normal. I am diabetic so I know thiese things. You are a little low.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    What range would be hypoglecemic ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Columbus
    100-125 is considered normal. I am diabetic so I know thiese things. You are a little low.
    Thanks alot. I am doing atkins ,20 grams carb per day . So I wanted to see how low my blood glucose was.

    Can u tell me what range would be considered hypoglecemic ?

  4. #4
    I'd say 70-110 upon waking. Any other time of the day (since you should be eating every 2-3 hours) 70-140 would be normal.
    Anything below 70 can be considered hypoglycemic, but also base it on symptoms.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    I'd say 70-110 upon waking. Any other time of the day (since you should be eating every 2-3 hours) 70-140 would be normal.
    Anything below 70 can be considered hypoglycemic, but also base it on symptoms.
    are you diabetic?

    Anyway, I know that very high blood sugar is better tollerated much better than low. If you are weak and trembling it is low. If you are urinating constantly it is too high. When I get my blood sugar checked, I have to not eat for 10 hours and it should be bewteen 100 and 125.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Columbus
    are you diabetic?

    Anyway, I know that very high blood sugar is better tollerated much better than low. If you are weak and trembling it is low. If you are urinating constantly it is too high. When I get my blood sugar checked, I have to not eat for 10 hours and it should be bewteen 100 and 125.
    No, I'm not diabetic....not yet. He asked the question in the context of using insulin for BBing purposes, so you want to take into consideration the fact that you want your post injection post dextrose intake to be as low as possible but still above hypo conditions. BG readings also have to take into consideration one's inherent insulin sensitivity. If someone is relatively insulin sensitive, then a lower BG level is more acceptable.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    No, I'm not diabetic....not yet. He asked the question in the context of using insulin for BBing purposes, so you want to take into consideration the fact that you want your post injection post dextrose intake to be as low as possible but still above hypo conditions. BG readings also have to take into consideration one's inherent insulin sensitivity. If someone is relatively insulin sensitive, then a lower BG level is more acceptable.
    I was curious because it seems like you know a lot. It just didn't seem to necessarily agree with what I know. Not that I am a diabetes guru. I was just trying to see if our info could be synthesized or what. I guess I wasn't thinking of it in terms of context.
    well cool thanks for the info.
    Last edited by Chris Columbus; 04-11-2004 at 09:56 AM.

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