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It take a long time for the effects to show themselves. It is like a low dose gh protocol, and I mean a low dose. You could switch out the GHRP2 for Ipamorelin, that would eliminate the hunger issue. You should be glad you aren't on GHRP6, the hunger with that is way more pronounced than it is with GHRP2. If your going to run them long term Ipamorelin is a better choice anyway. It wont induce the hunger, it wont increase prolactin and cortisol, and it will not increase GHIH (Growth Hormone Inhibiting Hormone) like GHRP2 does. These factors make GHRP2 not only lose its own effectiveness over time (8-12 weeks), but also reduces the effectiveness of the CJC your running alongside it. If your gonna run the peps you have to commit to a long term run, swap out the GHRP for the Ipam, and have realistic expectations of what they are going to do. Like I said at those doses you are looking at what amounts to essentially an anti aging dose of GH. Is it worth it or not for you? Only you can answer that question.