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Thread: Hair Transplant Surgery ??? Anyone?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Dirty South

    Hair Transplant Surgery ??? Anyone?

    Hair Transplant Surgery , just wondering if anyone done it or know where the prices range about i hope its like 1,000 -2,000$ topps

    my male pattern baldness is around stage 2 or 3 i believe:/ stupid receeding hair line

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Have a friend who does it. It's usually done as a price per graft and the price goes down as you get more grafts. The amount of grafts you need is dependent on how much hair you're missing, how much donor hair you have and how thick you want the final result to be. A procedure can be as little as 250 grafts or up to 3000 or so. With bigger cases, the price per graft should be between $4-5 per graft. So, $1-2k won't buy much of anything. More than 1 procedure may be necessary if you're stage 2 or 3 (don't actually know what that means, but sounds bad), so plan on at least $5-6K.

  3. #3
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    Dirty South

    there are located in florida, like a 20min drive ,im thinking about them i think i would need 500-1000grafts
    does this result in natural hair growth or is this considered fake hair:/

  4. #4
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    Mar 2004
    Hair transplants have come a long way, these new micro-surgery procedures are gauranteed to make your hair natural and they are all gauranteed to grow and stay with u for many many years. I am personally having very little and very slow hair thinning so i'm using all products just to maintain what i have untill hair cloning is officially given the medical ok wich could be as soon as 5years. There are doctors in Holland already things like that with stem cells and other methods to replicate hairs, what that will do is allow you to use only a few donor hairs and be able to produce hundreds of grafts out of each!!!
    But if propecia and minoxidil arent working for u at all and your losing hair bad then look at a minimum of $3000 and the most expensive (complete top of head) at about $8000 in an expensive clinic like Bosely. They give u the option of financing too so if u really want it not that bad. Think o fit like buying a used car ... except u cant drive it...but it wont cost u anything after u buy it.

  5. #5
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    you are not going to want to be a cheapass here. slow down and make sure to do all your homework. I dropped 6k 4-5 yrs ago when i did mine, and i am very happy with my results.

  6. #6
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    I am a norwood 2 maybe a little worse , i dunno if a can regrow the hair i loss from the past 6months using finasteride,mixiodil,nizoral and Revivogen to help regrow the temporal hair and thicken the hair overall

    if i get the transplant surgery i wanna atleast get 1 -1 1/2 lining of hair back atleast i receeded about 2 -3 inchs and the spacing of the temporal is about 3inchs how much grafting would you think i needed done?
    the frontal hairline is in line with thinning.......

  7. #7
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    Fort Worth
    Whatever you do, don't get hair implanted in neat little rows.
    I had a guy sit in my barber chair once who had this done, and it looked ok from a distance, but when you got up close, it looked like a cheap wig. Ya, whoever did it, planted the hairs so they grew in a pattern like this:
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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    Crazy . . . just something to look out for . . .

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Dirty South
    i think thats how it looks in the befere and after pics of surgery . . . . . . . . . . .

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by D00fy
    i think thats how it looks in the befere and after pics of surgery . . . . . . . . . . .
    maybe 20 yrs ago. this surgery is an art, and that is why it is very important to be patient and research your doctor as much as possible.

  10. #10
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    Fort Worth
    Ya, you want the hair to be transplanted in a random fashion, not in a pattern. Especially around the edges (the hair line) where it's most noticable.

  11. #11
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    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    Ya, you want the hair to be transplanted in a random fashion, not in a pattern. Especially around the edges (the hair line) where it's most noticable.
    each follicle more or less is guided and angled in a way that suits your natural pattern or flow. Yeah, it would turn out pretty **** funny if every follicle was implanted upright

  12. #12
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    Mar 2004
    HOW DOES IT LOOK AFTER SURGERY. DO YOU LOOK LIKE A MESS FOR WEEKS OR WHAT? How long are grafts? This has been on my mind for years.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by sore24/7
    HOW DOES IT LOOK AFTER SURGERY. DO YOU LOOK LIKE A MESS FOR WEEKS OR WHAT? How long are grafts? This has been on my mind for years.

    After surgery you dont see the new grafts, they grow after a few weeks and if your surgeon was a good artist then they will blend in great with your other hair.

  14. #14
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    United States
    took a good 5-6months for grafts to come in

  15. #15
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    Mar 2004
    What does it look like right after surgery? Can you go to work? Does you head look bad? I know you can't see results but are you swollen or anything?

  16. #16
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    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by sore24/7
    What does it look like right after surgery? Can you go to work? Does you head look bad? I know you can't see results but are you swollen or anything?
    If you can wear a hat to work. Beginning is real swollen. facial swelling as well as all the pain from where the grafts were takin. very stiff, and uncomfortable. Scabs will form and fall out in those first 2wks or so...kinda nasty, but manageable.

    what kind of work do you do?

  17. #17
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    I work at a gym, so close proximity to people. Not really allowed to wear a hat.

  18. #18
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    Mar 2004
    Your info has really gave me a good idea about the procedure. And i feel i am going to have to get this soon. My forehead has been getting bigger each year even with finasteride.

  19. #19
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    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by sore24/7
    I work at a gym, so close proximity to people. Not really allowed to wear a hat.
    try to have the surgery on a thurs and come back on tues/wed or so. you will need some recovery time. I mean, the first night or so you will have to sleep with your head upright It's been awhile for me, so i am having hard times remembering details, sorry.
    If you wore a beenie or something comfortable like that, and spoke with your boss about the situation...maybe you could pull that off.
    But if you have to be real hands-on with clients, you will most likely be SOL. You will not be able to comfortably move your neck, and you will probabaly be at least on some darvocet or similar.

  20. #20
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    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by sore24/7
    Your info has really gave me a good idea about the procedure. And i feel i am going to have to get this soon. My forehead has been getting bigger each year even with finasteride.
    I wont bull**** you The surgery sucks. recovery is awkward, and youll need patience. the scar sucks for at least a year.
    But i tell you this, i have no regrets and love my results. My doctor did a great job <-not really, but ya know

  21. #21
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    I was thinking of saying i had to get a mole removed from my head. That way I could wear a hat. Also does it look better in the first few months with a shaved head or not?

  22. #22
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    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by sore24/7
    I was thinking of saying i had to get a mole removed from my head. That way I could wear a hat. Also does it look better in the first few months with a shaved head or not?
    I never shaved my head, so i am not sure I wouldnt imagine so. You may have some buds coming in by that time, but i dont know. its kinda random. See what a doctor or clinic has to say about that one

  23. #23
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    Mar 2004
    I asked because it seems it would be ,ofcourse, different length than the existing hair as it came in ,so cutting the other hair to match the new hair might be an option I thought. I am just trying to find a strategy. As you know ,it is a huge decision.

  24. #24
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    Aug 2004
    NO! Shaving your head is NOT an option. The scar on the back will be very visible and the transplants themselves will be noticeable. They will look like little dots. The best thing to do is grow the hair on top of your head to a decent enough length that you sort of brush it over the transplants. Allow 3-4 days before you go out in public. Also, you can't wash your hair in the normal fashion the first week. You have to cover the transplanted area with a wet washcloth and let water run over it, so your hair is gonnal look like sh!t the first week anyway.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMYL_GR8
    NO! Shaving your head is NOT an option. The scar on the back will be very visible and the transplants themselves will be noticeable. They will look like little dots. The best thing to do is grow the hair on top of your head to a decent enough length that you sort of brush it over the transplants. Allow 3-4 days before you go out in public. Also, you can't wash your hair in the normal fashion the first week. You have to cover the transplanted area with a wet washcloth and let water run over it, so your hair is gonnal look like sh!t the first week anyway.
    Very true. Shows how long ago it was when i went through this. Good post SMYL

  26. #26
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    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SMYL_GR8
    NO! Shaving your head is NOT an option. The scar on the back will be very visible and the transplants themselves will be noticeable. They will look like little dots. The best thing to do is grow the hair on top of your head to a decent enough length that you sort of brush it over the transplants. Allow 3-4 days before you go out in public. Also, you can't wash your hair in the normal fashion the first week. You have to cover the transplanted area with a wet washcloth and let water run over it, so your hair is gonnal look like sh!t the first week anyway.
    Good info.

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Forty shades of green
    Just shave your head and be done with it.

  28. #28
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    one thing i always wanted to know is if they are transplanting hair from the back of your head then wont your hair be thinned out in the back after the procedure??

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    In the fridge or by the stove.
    Im just curious about the scarring. How badly is it visible through the donor area hair. Doesnt the scalp feel tight after stapling it together after the strip removal?

    Ive seen some great results in men that had high volume transplantation, (over 3000 grafts and up to 6000 grafts), but what kind of damage is being done to the scalp after that many grafts are taken. Thwere must be some kind of signs of trauma.

    Thats the only fears I have that keep me from having a transplant. Plus I could do one hell of a cycle with $10,000 that I'd need for my surgery.

  30. #30
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    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Eating_Machine
    Im just curious about the scarring. How badly is it visible through the donor area hair. Doesnt the scalp feel tight after stapling it together after the strip removal?
    scar is noticeable if hair is cut short. 1st yr pretty noticable even at a four guard (hair trimmer deal). Now, 4-5yrs out, i can have my hair at 3 guard no have to be lookin for it.
    and yes, your neck(back of head) is pretty tight for a while...and getting the stitches out is a bitch! potential cysts along the way too

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    you now have the option of follicular unit extraction. Which they dont take a large donor patch each hair is harvested individually and placed which leaves no scarring. It is much more expensive but worth it.

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