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Thread: Anyone ever get a compressed minuscus (knee injury)?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Anyone ever get a compressed minuscus (knee injury)?

    ...and what did you have to do to get it to fully heal? I just went to a Ortho guy and told me I can't do anything about it. I just never trust doctors who make such definite statements like that.

    I hurt it playing beach v-ball and have heard it's a common injury but this doc doesn't seem to think so. Any advice?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I'd definitely get a 2nd opinion. There is "something" that can be done, whether or not it's stretching, massage, ultrasound, tens treatment, etc. I'm in physical therapy right now working with strength coaches and pro's who work with athletes, and they are helping me re-hab two bi-lateral patellar tendon rupture repairs. As it stands, I've lots of scar tissue, have patella alta (knee caps too high due to scar tissue, tight lower quads, etc), and have no gluteus minimus. (what gives you left/right stability when you run, cut left, cut right, change direction, etc.) This was a result of not using my legs in a bent-knee fashion for many many months.

    My point is that I am going through a plethora of work physically, they hammer on me 3 days a week, and I won't have to have my knees scoped if things continue to progress well, as they are now. So, in your situation, I'd say it's extremely good chance-wise that there are many-an-exercise/solution to your problem, you just have to find someone who probably knows a bit more than he did.

    To say you can't do anything about it is ridiculous. Nearly every injury has some kind remedy or some sort. Get that 2nd opinion. Good luck!

    Knees are precious! Until they are taken from you, you don't really realize that.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Thanks for the advice, SC. I am MOST DEFINITELY getting a second opinion. Was getting treatment (ultrasound, ice, etc. at a sports clinic back in LA) at the beginning of the summer but had to stop b/c this summer was a bit nutzo. So now I'm in a new place with new doctors...and no good referrals. Trying not to let my legs go to total ****e but being cautious at the same time (bodyweight exercises only). I hear ya about the knees...take them for granted until you can't use one of them.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    when u got the compressed miniscus was it only lots of pain or was there swelling?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by KAEW44
    when u got the compressed miniscus was it only lots of pain or was there swelling?

    Sorry for the late reply. Was away for the past week. When it happened it was actually a bit of both. It swelled up quite a bit and became really stiff. There was pain when I tried to straighten the knee/lock it out or try to bend it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003


    Got the diagnosis from the ortho this past week. Turns out I cracked my thigh bone and there's a little piece floating around in my knee. Not a compressed minuscus at all. So I gotta get the arthroscopy done to get that removed and then on top of that, they're going to have to repair the bone (looks like a pothole in the lower part of the bone). I have to go through what they call ACI (autologous chondrocyte implantation) where they take a biopsy of my cartilage, grow it for 5 weeks then place it on the damaged part of the joint. Needless to say this winter is going to suck - missing out of work, gym time and snowboarding. But I'd rather spend 8-12 weeks on crutches than crippling arthritis when I'm older.

    The lesson: Aways get a second opinion if you aren't sure. The first dr. told me I couldn't do anything about my injury. Turns out this surgery can bring my knee back to bearing heavy impact (raquetball & running) within a year - depending of course.

    Here's a weblink for more info.

    All you Cali bros - careful playing beach v-ball!!

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