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Thread: Nair

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    New York


    hey, fellas I know its not a steriod topic. I used nair for me the other day and it worked nicely. Its just alittle strange now looking at my bellybutton without hair now since its been so long since Ive been hairless and smooth on my stomach and chest. Just figured I'd say that I beleive nair is a good product for now, unless it grows back really fast within acouple days, then my opinion would change. peace fellas.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    New York
    Nice, I was thinking of giving it a try. Now I will. Thanx


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    be careful not to leave nair on too long. my buddy left it on too long and now it looks like he has a very bad rash on his arm. anyone ever try epil-stop?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    are yall talking abotu the nair for men or just regular nair?tell us the results of how long it lasted

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    there is nair for men??

  6. #6
    i did it and all i have to say is DO NOT get it on your nipples,not even a drop,if you think you look funny with out hair it looks even funnier with burns and scabs on your nipples

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    4plates been there and got the burt nipples to prove it.... good news you only have to do it 1x to learn it's a big NO NO

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    New York
    I got nair on my nipples and they are burnt like a mofo.

    and yeah I was reffering to the nair for men,

  9. #9
    Originally posted by 4plates
    i did it and all i have to say is DO NOT get it on your nipples,not even a drop,if you think you look funny with out hair it looks even funnier with burns and scabs on your nipples
    bro you tell me this now where were you when i covered them up.. man that shit hurts for like two weeks... cool new pic!!! but what are you carring... pipes

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    you dont need nair for men, just get the yellow bottle and dont leave it on for more than 4 minutes or you will be sorry, and avoid the nipples!!!!!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    How do deal with the hairs that after shaving or using nair don't come out.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    if you leave nair on to long it will burn the hell out of your skin,
    If you have sensitive skin be very very careful. I burn myself with nair it hurt for a few days.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    new york
    i had my chest waxed once and i will NEVER do that shit again. i get my back waxed once a month which doesnt hurt too bad but the pain of doing the chest was unbearable. flex let me know how it grows back, i have a bunch of nair for men samples that i want to use on my chest and arms.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    The city where dreams are
    Epil stop burned the fuc out of my back. Nair makes my skin break out. Good ole shavin is what I use.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    flying overhead in my fina-jet...
    I think I will givethat nair for men a try... but that Epil-stop SUX!!!
    I cannot emphasize how shitty this product is! I used it on my chest EXACTLY as the directions stated, for the minimum amount of time, and all it did was burn the shit out of my skin, and left it sore and red for a week. To top it off, it didn't even remove all the hair. Boycott Epil-stop. It is a complete waste of money, similar results can be obtained with brillo and a little perserverence. OK I'm done.
    Last edited by landshark; 03-25-2002 at 07:30 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Edge Pro-Gel and chicks' razors only for my sensitive skin.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    new york
    bump for some results here flex. how is it growing back, how does it look, etc etc. give me the low down because im getting ready to nair my chest and possibly arms so i want to see how its going

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    New York
    Epil-stop burns like hell and doesn't work too well. Waxing is really the way to go. Takes a long time for hair to grow back. If you are particularly sensitive the place I go has a special painless wax. Whole process takes about 5 minutes and costs about $20 for chest and stomach. Never tried Nair. How long does it last?
    Last edited by beenie; 03-28-2002 at 02:25 PM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    Yes, I would like feedback on how long nair lasts. From when you use it until you notice very short hair that feels like sandpaper. Need to stock up now for summer!

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    somewhere u.s.a
    nair smells bad. epilstop does sheot. i got nair on my sac and brother i ran to the shower.

  21. #21
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    New York
    Ok, no one is commenting on how long Nair lasts. Scottp999, I will try it and report back. I do this in the interest of science.

  22. #22
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    Originally posted by gary
    nair smells bad. epilstop does sheot. i got nair on my sac and brother i ran to the shower.
    bro i have a friend who got nair on his balls, he told me his balls felt like it was in a boiling pot of water. He said it stung so much, he couldn't even touch his balls for days. He said about 15 second later he put it on, he realized his balls were burning

  23. #23
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    new york
    ok i naired my chest on friday. it didnt work as well as i thought it would because there were some areas that were too stubborn to come right off like it was supposed to. today is now tuesday and my chest has little black dots of hair similar to that of shaving exceot they are much softer. definitely didnt stay smooth for as long as i was expecting but it isnt as stubly as shaving. and make sure you dont get ANY on your nipples.....i got a tiny drop on the nipple and immediatley washed it off. that night they burned like hell and were hard all night. they still even hurt a little now

  24. #24
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    I have been using nair for about a year and a half now on my back, arms and groin area. Never ever let it get on your sac. The burn that it casued hurt for four days and even scabbed a little. Also no longer than 4 minutes cause it will burn you back too. I usually have to do it once a week on thrusdays so I am good for the weekend. You'll see slight stubble by sunday. Also you need to let the hair grow in a little if you try to just keep using every time you see a little grow it won't work, you need a little bit of hair. Also your skin won't be happy. And btw nair III for men sucks, I left it on for 10minutes the second time and it still didn't work as good as the white bottle does.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Land of milk and honey.
    thanks for that info. if I use it Before I leave for the beach on Friday's I should be all set. Great tip on the type to buy.

  26. #26
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    scottp999-- actually I do it on thursdays because the next day sometimes you get a little blotchy and it gives your skin a day to recover before going into the sun.

  27. #27
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    Dallas, Texas
    I use a product called "MAGIC" by Carson Products, Inc. It's made for the black man's face, but can be used all over the body. It comes in a can that runs $1.50 at Walmart and can be found in the ethnic section. They have several different kinds and after trying all of them, the GOLD can is by far the best.
    It is a powder but when added with water it becomes a very powerful depilitator. It blows Nair away. I use this product every 2 weeks and it takes me 2 cans to spred all over my body. (YES, my dingis, sack and crack too) I do have sensitive nipples so I use those little circle band aids. Rub that white shit all over, let dry for about 15 minutes, get in the shower and use a scrubby buddy and SHOOBOODOOWHAAAA....NO HAIR.
    Screw waxing, shaving, trimming. 30 minutes out of my day every 2 weeks for no hair? Yes sir.

    Make sure you have lotion to put on after you shower, it will dry you out like a MOFO. Oh yea, and don't forget to take off the circle bandaids from your nips before hitting the gym. Kinda weird!

    I hope this helps you girls!


  28. #28
    Join Date
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    There is no place like ho
    Nair does nothing for my Italian azz.. I have tried Nad's it works pretty darn good. I have never tired the nair for Men, I think I might give that a try. HOw long does it last? I mean how soon does hair start to come back?

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    new york
    i used the nair for men........started getting stubble after a few days

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Steroids are bad ummkay?
    i used regular nair for the first time friday and got stubbly hairs back on my chest by monday. Better than shaving though...

    p.s. My nipples got burnt like a sonuvabitch

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Originally posted by nymattyk
    i had my chest waxed once and i will NEVER do that shit again. i get my back waxed once a month which doesnt hurt too bad but the pain of doing the chest was unbearable. flex let me know how it grows back, i have a bunch of nair for men samples that i want to use on my chest and arms.
    Where do you get your back waxed at? how much does it cost?

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    New York

    SORRY fellas, I was away on vacation

    I liked using the Nair for men much better than just shaving, You still needed to shave over some areas after I was done nairing it, but I liked the results. It all depends on the person, but for me I started seeing stubles after like 5 days and just let it grow back in now I only have hairs on my chest that are like really small. I got better results from using the nair then shaving but the stuff does smell like rotten eggs.
    My buddy that went away with me used it also and he is a hair mofo so he started getting the sandpaper stubles very quickly maybe 2 days after but atleast with the nair you dont get the razor burn.

    Just wet the hair with warm water before the apply and wait ten mins and wipe it off and it should get most of it. I would only use this every now and then, but in the summer I'm sure i'll use right before I'm off to the beach.

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    usa/the south
    i used nads on my back and it pulled some skin off. at least it felt like it. those people on the commercials must be on ludes before they do them cause it hurt like hell. never nads again!!!!! nads die!!!!!!
    Last edited by feelnfit; 04-05-2002 at 11:46 AM.

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