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Thread: chiropractor? do they work? med insurance?

  1. #121
    Quote Originally Posted by johnsiegal View Post
    Why one type of Dr.'s gets offended because he contemplates his knowledge is greater than someone who comes from a different just plain ego machismo stupidity.
    I know it *feels* like you are being open minded and that I must be closed minded and arrogant. That feeling that you is wrong.

    If you are comparing chiropractic to a medical doctor and saying they both have equal knowledge you are just, as a rule, wrong. Wrong. It is not about "better" or some abstract concept of superiority. It is the simple fact that their training is in *something else*. Doc Sust will tell you as much. There is overlap, no doubt. But there is good reason he does not know which vasopressor will keep your blood pressure up after you lose 3 liters of blood. It is not taught to a DC because *its not what they do*. They don't handle those patients. They don't prescribe drugs. They don't reattach fingers. Does pointing out these simple facts make me arrogant?

    Am I not entitled to be put off by people saying "Oh well they both say 'Dr.' so they must know the same thing."? If someone says otherwise they are displaying "ego machismo stupidity". I mean come on. Doc Sust should be just as annoyed really. Because I sure as hell was not taught about subluxation and adjustment methods. Does him believing he knows something I don't make him stupid?

    Such bad arguments come from people. I am not arrogant about my profession. I am being straight forward and honest. I *am* a bit arrogant though about something else. When I see such *terrible* critical thinking and illogical posting I can't help but roll my eyes at some of this non-sense.

  2. #122
    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust View Post
    lol, wow this thread has taken an ugly left turn...
    And I'm bowing out.

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrokenBricks View Post
    And I'm bowing out.
    i dont blame you

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrokenBricks View Post
    I know it *feels* like you are being open minded and that I must be closed minded and arrogant. That feeling that you is wrong.

    If you are comparing chiropractic to a medical doctor and saying they both have equal knowledge you are just, as a rule, wrong. Wrong. It is not about "better" or some abstract concept of superiority. It is the simple fact that their training is in *something else*. Doc Sust will tell you as much. There is overlap, no doubt.

    Am I not entitled to be put off by people saying "Oh well they both say 'Dr.' so they must know the same thing."? If someone says otherwise they are displaying "ego machismo stupidity". I mean come on. Doc Sust should be just as annoyed really. Because I sure as hell was not taught about subluxation and adjustment methods. Does him believing he knows something I don't make him stupid?
    totally agree, comparing what we do is like comparing apples to oranges. completely different animals. in my eyes there is a place for both, and yes there is some overlap, but i would never say what each of us do is even remotely similar. they arent even close.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust View Post
    totally agree, comparing what we do is like comparing apples to oranges. completely different animals. in my eyes there is a place for both, and yes there is some overlap, but i would never say what each of us do is even remotely similar. they arent even close.
    I would, Both professions try to help people as much as humanely possible. Plus both professions are at a crossroads in today's society trying to defend against falsities and stigmas that are either overly exaggerated, reportedly biased or down right ignorant of what each profession is really about.

  6. #126
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    You should bow out....because your attitude is wrong.

    1) your reading comprehension is HORRIBLE. Guess they don't teach you HOW TO find the "meaning of the paragraph." Don't extract one sentence from a paragraph and run off on a tangent to support your inferiority complex. You will be found out.

    2) Most of the bad arguments came from your supositions. Guess you didn't study logic and foundations of arguement in undergrad.

    3) Your hubris is what got you in trouble on this thread. Better to be humble and play dumb. This way, no one knows how stupid you are until you open your mouth.

    4) there are no GRAMATIC rules when posting on forum boards my pompous friend. if this were the one would post. We would all be running spell checker and calling our English Major friends to proof our post because WE HAVE some ARROGANT med student who thinks he's smarter than everyone else...and has something to prove.

    You gotta a lot to learn Spud!

    You are just one more example of why the medical profession is suffering....and why PI lawyers will continue to kick your asses all over town in a medical mal-practice suit.

    Quote Originally Posted by BrokenBricks View Post
    And I'm bowing out.

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    I would, Both professions try to help people as much as humanely possible. Plus both professions are at a crossroads in today's society trying to defend against falsities and stigmas that are either overly exaggerated, reportedly biased or down right ignorant of what each profession is really about.
    on the key notes you mentioned you are right, but i was speaking more about the scope of practice and what we do for patients directly

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust View Post
    on the key notes you mentioned you are right, but i was speaking more about the scope of practice and what we do for patients directly
    I know, I was just throwing that in there for good measure. Just so the outsiders reading this can truly understand were each side is coming from and how much each truly care about patient outcomes and well being over anything else.

  9. #129
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    LOL....Women's Studies....You're Funny!

    I am a CPA. If you could would note that I studied FINANCE. I do more continuing education that MD's every year. Over 100 hrs required in my state. My firm handles over 3 dozen physician offices. Believe, me I know MD's very well.

    You are a very presumptuous Man (at least I think you’re a man...but who knows....I think I see a "Slip" showing)... You have no idea what you are saying regarding responsibility.

    You should think before your speak.

    BTW...Your "slip" is showing.

    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post has so much less to do with letters and more to do with.........Unless you have walked a mile in someones shoes, dont pretend to know the kind of responsibilities that go along with making life or death decisions as part of your everyday job. Dont pretend to know the kind of pressures and workloads that these people work under on a daily basis, and dont try to compare 3 degree's in Womens Studies and Art History to that of a medical professional.
    Last edited by tcw; 12-17-2008 at 06:03 AM.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcw View Post
    LOL....Women's Studies....You're Funny!

    I am a CPA. If you could would note that I studied FINANCE. I do more continuing education that MD's every year. Over 100 hrs required in my state. My firm handles over 3 dozen physician offices. Believe, me I know MD's very well.

    You are a very presumptuous Man (at least I think you’re a man...but who knows....I think I see a "Slip" showing)... You have no idea what you are saying regarding responsibility.

    You should think before your speak.

    BTW...Your "slip" is showing.
    You're comparing a CPA to being a physician? Seriously?

    How many life or death decisions do you make on a daily basis? Get real, you spend 100 hours of continuing education a year, while residents and attendings can often work 100 hours in a WEEK. Just because you crunch numbers for physicians offices doesn't mean you know DICK about the profession or what it entails.

    I'm presumptuous? I am not the one who is stereotyping an entire profession who dedicate their lives to helping others, and make a lot of personal sacrafices in the process.

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    I know, I was just throwing that in there for good measure. Just so the outsiders reading this can truly understand were each side is coming from and how much each truly care about patient outcomes and well being over anything else.
    makes sense to me, thanks for the good words buddy!

  12. #132
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    Bro... you have no idea of what you talking about ...i know more about the lives and work of physicians than i care too.

    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    You're comparing a CPA to being a physician? Seriously?

    How many life or death decisions do you make on a daily basis? Get real, you spend 100 hours of continuing education a year, while residents and attendings can often work 100 hours in a WEEK. Just because you crunch numbers for physicians offices doesn't mean you know DICK about the profession or what it entails.

    I'm presumptuous? I am not the one who is stereotyping an entire profession who dedicate their lives to helping others, and make a lot of personal sacrafices in the process.
    Last edited by tcw; 12-18-2008 at 09:09 PM.

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