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I know it *feels* like you are being open minded and that I must be closed minded and arrogant. That feeling that you have...it is wrong.
If you are comparing chiropractic to a medical doctor and saying they both have equal knowledge you are just, as a rule, wrong. Wrong. It is not about "better" or some abstract concept of superiority. It is the simple fact that their training is in *something else*. Doc Sust will tell you as much. There is overlap, no doubt.
Am I not entitled to be put off by people saying "Oh well they both say 'Dr.' so they must know the same thing."? If someone says otherwise they are displaying "ego machismo stupidity". I mean come on. Doc Sust should be just as annoyed really. Because I sure as hell was not taught about subluxation and adjustment methods. Does him believing he knows something I don't make him stupid?