god damn it!!!
3 weeks into my test cyp cycle and i injured my left wrist. it is actually a re-ocurring injury which i sustained at work 4 years ago then re-injured 1.5 years ago and again now.
i get a sharp pain in my wrist joint when twisting my hand or carrying anything heavy its a little swallon and theres some fluid build up there, the first 2 times i injured it the fluid stayed for about 3 weeks but pain subsided after a couple of days.
went to the doctors (all getting covered under workers comp) got some x-rays done and getting the results back on friday, he thinks its a tendon problem, he prescribed me Voltaren 50mg tablets (anti inflamitary) 100mg ED for 25 days, 2nd day now and pain has gone a bit but still alot of fluid build up.
it really sucks cause im allready halfway through the 3rd week of my cycle and i cant do any arms, shoulders or back workouts due to this injury.
cant wait to get my results back on friday.
has anyone sustained a wrist injury simillar to this.
would you guys recomend stopping my cycle now and doing pct or just do light training and strap my wrist up until it heals.
PS: im using an internet cafe as my cpu died i might not be able to get back for a day or so, thanks guys any coments appreciated