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Thread: shoulder hurt when doing hammer or strait bar for arms

  1. #1
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    Oct 2005

    shoulder hurt when doing hammer or strait bar for arms

    hey guys....sometimes my shoulder kinda hurt or become sore when i do strait bar or hammer curls for arms and its only the left 1....right 1 seem ok
    is it may be my form is wrong or something else?

  2. #2
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    i up this

  3. #3
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    could be a bicep tendon injury or impingement syndrome. both can cause shoulder pain when docurls. how does it feel when you use the ezcurl bar?if that doesn't cause any pain, there is your solution to working biceps.

  4. #4
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    did this suddenly happen or a thing thats been going on for awhile?

  5. #5
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    Oct 2005
    it suddelny happens and stay jus for a while, dont feel it when i do concentrtion curls or hammer curls
    where as my left shoulder has this pain for a while and i feel it when i do One Arm Front Deltoid Dumbbell Raises, i check wit the doc and he said might be rotator....where as it wont bother me while doin any other exercise...shud i go for ultrasound or wat other options i have
    and last Q, i know bicpes muscles r very small but is it poossible that u can tear them lets say by overtrainin?
    thnx guys for the feed back and lookin for more

  6. #6
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    sure you can tear a bicep, but if you did, believe me you would know you did. if it is rotator cuff, it sounds like and injury to your suprapinatus and possibly infaspinatus muscles. i still think it sounds more like bicep tendon problem. do yourself a favor, stick to the curl movements that don't hurt and reevaluate yourself in 4 wks. ultrasound is a waste. yes it can help, but it isn't a miracle machine, you still will have pain. i stoped doing ultrasound about 2 years ago. if your insurance covers it, with no cost to you then hit it up. if you have to pay out of pocket,its not worth it. your much better going to get a deep tissue massage or even better active release technique

  7. #7
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    exactly! I agree with Dr Sust...biceps tear sounds less likely to me, (you'd basically have a big ball of muscle down around your elbow or near the middle of your upper arm if it actually tore)i think you've probably simply strained one of the tendons, be in biceps or one of the smaller stablalizing tendons of the shoulder....possibly rotator cuff, but it would be a small tear. stick with Dr Sust's advice as far as doign only lifts that dont cause pain. If you can get Ins. to pay for US, try to get them to use phonophoresis...baiscally they use a topical steroid and then use Ultrasound to drive the steroid therapy into the muscle tissue...i've seen it have good benefits with some. Massages are also a good option to take! good luck! keep us posted!

  8. #8
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    Quote Originally Posted by liftergirl
    exactly! I agree with Dr Sust...biceps tear sounds less likely to me, (you'd basically have a big ball of muscle down around your elbow or near the middle of your upper arm if it actually tore)i think you've probably simply strained one of the tendons, be in biceps or one of the smaller stablalizing tendons of the shoulder....possibly rotator cuff, but it would be a small tear. stick with Dr Sust's advice as far as doign only lifts that dont cause pain. If you can get Ins. to pay for US, try to get them to use phonophoresis...baiscally they use a topical steroid and then use Ultrasound to drive the steroid therapy into the muscle tissue...i've seen it have good benefits with some. Massages are also a good option to take! good luck! keep us posted!
    i forgot all about phonopheresis... good point!!!!

  9. #9
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    have you seen it work well with injuries other than tendonitis or simple strains? that's what i've seen the most success with....what about you?

  10. #10
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    Quote Originally Posted by liftergirl
    have you seen it work well with injuries other than tendonitis or simple strains? that's what i've seen the most success with....what about you?
    that about it for me too! the phono works much better than just throwing on the cold electro gel imo. i am not a fan of it, especially in the "pulsed seting " the patient can't even tell if the machine is on or not, they feel nothing. i once when i first started to practice used an ultrasound machine on a patient for ten minutes, after ten minutes the guy claimed he felt wonderful. later i discovered the timer on the machine was working but not the head of the instrument. therefore he didn't receive any treatment, just a placebo efect. after that day i just scraped the machine alltogether

  11. #11
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    lol gotta love the placebo effect. My aunt was a PT for about 35 years and she's told me about some people who've had great benefit from it....of course, she also can cause them to be in tears with her deep tissue that probalby helps too. I've also had patients who've had great benefit form it...more than the regular old gel.

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