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Thread: Lose back pain program (with Doc sust additional help)

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Pride Fighting nuthugger

    Wink Lose back pain program (with Doc sust additional help)

    Lets me start by saying that chiropratic here in Canada is much different then in the US, i researched some sites following Doc Sust conversation and i found out that the US is a lot more complex then here.

    My session would last between 3-5 minutes i would go in get cracked and moved on to the next appointement.

    Now moving on:

    Lose the back pain program:

    Forward Tip Pelvic:

    Weak muscles: Hamstrings, glutes, lower abs

    Tight muscles: hip flexor, quads, lower back

    Exercise 1: Low back strech

    Seated on a chair slowly bend forward until you feel a good strech in the lower back. repeat 3-5 times daily, hold strech for 20-30 seconds

    (this is a so so exercise and i rather like the second one)

    Exercise 2: Low back strech holding a door knob

    Stand facing the side of an open door, grab door knob, slowly squat down has low has you can with your feet flat on the floor.

    (this one is great and gives a good strech for the whole back)

    Exercise 3: Would have been the reverse crunch but following Doc Sust advise i do it different and works great with a lot less pain felt in the lower back region, i perform 3 sets of has many has i can with perfect form.

    Exercise 4: Hip flexor strech

    This looks like the lung but instead you hold the position and you move your back leg backward and your pelvic forward til you feel a good strech

    This exercise is great and i do feel it, perform 3-5 times daily hold for 20-30 seconds.

    Exercise 5: Glute squeeze, pertty simply you squeeze your ass for 30 seconds funny but seems to be working fine LOL

    Exercise 6: Quad strech one leg

    Using a chair standing up you strech one leg at a time pulling the quad and foward the pelvic, perform 3-5 times daily hold strech for 20-30 seconds

    Exercise 7: would have been the floor bridge but following Doc Sust advise again if it hurts dont do it i have switch to a better exercise.

    Using an exercise ball and elastic bands slid under a door i can do a leg curl that has some good tension and really feel the hamstring burning while feeling no lower back pain. I perform 3 sets of has many good reps has i can doing them very very slow.

    My second case is i have forward head and shoulders

    Tight muscles are: chest, anterior deltoid, latissimus dorsi and trapezius

    Weak muscles are: posterior deltoids, rhomboids, mid-lower traps and extrenal rotators.

    I need to strech chest, side torso, front shoulder and neck

    I need to strenghten upper back, rear deltoids, low traps, rhombois, teres minor.

    Exercise 1 wall strech

    Put one side of your body on the wall and you strech til you feel it in your arms, chest and front shoulder.

    I dont like this exercise i feel it works a bit but not has much has the full stretch at the end, perform 3-5 times hold for 20-30 seconds

    Exercise 2: Rear shoulder flyes using an elastic band

    Simply put your hands around 12 inches a part and the elastic band infront of you and pull the band slowly til you feel the muscle of the upper back and rear deltoid burn, perform 2 sets of has many has you can with good reps.

    I love this one and really feel it

    Exercise 3: Rear deltoid with 2 pounds db on the exercise ball

    Lie infront on the exericise ball with one hand on the floor and with the dumbell on the other perform one hand lateral raise.

    This is another winner, the weight is nothing but i feel it in the middle back and rear delt a lot, perform 2 sets of 15 reps

    Exercise 4: Upper spin strech using exercise ball

    Simply roll backward on the exercise ball and let your arms fall behind, this is great for a full spinal stretch, i hold the position for 1 minute and sometimes more.

    Exercise 5: Rowing with elastic bands

    Simply put one exercise band on a door knob and just perform a normal close grip pulley row bringing the cable near your chest and holding for a brief second or so, perform 2 sets of 15.

    This is another good exercise.

    Exercise 6: Doorway chest stretch

    Stand in a doorway and slowly strech the whole chest and front delt region,
    Another great exercise repeat 5 times hold for 20-30 sconds.

    I have decided to add 2 more exercises from biotonix i add done back in 2003.

    First one is to push the back of the head onto a wall 3 sets of 15 seconds and the second one is to pull the head down to the chest and hold for 3 sets of 15 seconds.

    I found both exercices to work great.

    This is it folkes. Please tell my your toughts on this program doc sust and of course if you have anything to add i will gladly do it, thanks again.

  2. #2
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    Pride Fighting nuthugger
    Also got myself a digital camera so i will be able to post some pics of myself out of shape of course but still front rear and side pose.

    Pics will be posted tomorrow.

  3. #3
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    get someone else to take your pics for you so they are acurate. also thanks for the good words, much appreciated, glad i could help you too.

  4. #4
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    Talking Ok pics are up

    Theses are the pics that where taken tonight.

    Thank you
    Last edited by sonar1234; 05-10-2006 at 07:27 PM.

  5. #5
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    Now you see why i wanna get the back pain cured so i can lose the fat and stop looking like a fat slob, man theses pics are discouraging to look at.

    I can say that the side view my head and neck are better then the picture taken back in 2003, but there is still some work to be done.

  6. #6
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    i have see alot worse posture than that. it could be worse.

  7. #7
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    Yes but has i said it got better since 2003, i feel that the most work that has to be done is for the neck and head being to forward.

    I have again followed your advise has i went to the gym this morning, i have changed my weights.

    DId the low pulley rows, hammer rows, and reverse peck dec machine for 3 sets of each of 15-20 reps with a weight heavy enought that i can feel a burn, damn last week i was doing 6-8 reps cause i really tought that by doing so i would strenghten the muscle instead but you told me that i didnt have to use heavyweights like this.

    I also did leg curls, seated leg curls and the machine where you work your glutes (funny but you really feel it in the hams and glutes), i did 3 sets again of either 15-20 reps controlled.

    Thanks again Doc Sust you have some great advise to give and please keep them coming i can finally have hope to return to a pain free life

  8. #8
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    stiick to 15 reps. i prefer 10 to 15 for rehab. twenty is to much, to many reps can be catabolic . glad i could help, keep us updated.

  9. #9
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    Pride Fighting nuthugger
    Ok so i should use a bit more weight then? damn Doc when i use the elastic bands i can get to 25 reps is that ok???????

  10. #10
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    How many times per week can i do theses exercises (meaning the ones in the gym).

    And is there more exercises that would work my mid back, guess i have enought for hamstrings.

    After i do the exercices i am fine but around 6pm its where i can feel the spasm and the damn pain coming back.

    After i strech it usually good but i gotta strech often this is what leads me to beleive its that damn posture problem too.

    I feel no pain between the disk like i used to feel when my pelvic needed to be reajusted, i really feel the pain in the muscle itself.

  11. #11
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    Thumbs down 2003 pictures YAGGGGGG

    Theses are the pics in 2003, i dont have a side pose to show the curve that i have in the back but at that time my pelivc add not been reajusted and i add the pain in the spin on the lower back i add no muscle pain.

    Its when the pelvic was reajusted that a month after when i started running and moving again that the pain in the muscles came back but never in the spin.
    Last edited by sonar1234; 05-10-2006 at 07:27 PM.

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