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Thread: Hair removal

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Hair removal

    Is there any fuckin' product out there that will remove hair without coming close to death. I am a hairy fucker and I have tried nads, epil-stop, and nair. I bet it would feel the same way if I was to stand on the sun naked! Injections don't feel nearly the same. It's like asking God, please take me now. I sure some of you have tried this shit, come on!! Let's all share are feelings like women do when there boyfriends brake up w/them!!! Women on this board, don't take this personally, just some cheap humer. Love all you gals'

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Bod, I am the same way, and yes, I found a great product to help with that sorta thing. There is no way you are hairier than me.
    The stuff I use works great. Only takes me one app to get 99% of the hair off me, the only problem I have is around my nips, cause this stuff burns the hell out of them. The product, I buy at Wal Mart it is called: Sally Hansen Lotion hair Remover. says it works in 4 mintues, but it works faster for me. I do my arms then my legs and my chest, then by the time I finish putting the stuff on my body I rinse, and it just comes off with a hot towel. Every now and then I will get a spot that I didn't put enough on, and I just take out my ole razor and finish the job. Works great, and doesn't burn, (I have sensitive skin), smells good too. Try it, it is about 5 bucks a bottle down here

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    The Big Easy
    hey sisilian...does that get all the way down to the root , or is it like nair or epil stop and leaves stubble. the best ive tried is nads or just going to the salon and getting it waxed... both hurt like a mofo though. the only thing ive seen around that gets rid of hair permently is getting it lazered off. its stings pretty bad and is pretty expensive i hear.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Alright bro, thanks. I will will five it a try. By the way, I do have more hair than you. Ha! Ha! If I had a scanner, I would bust out the pic's. I have so much hair, I could donate it to the people that make wigs. Beat that bro!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    i dunno, I might have you both beat---I look like austin powers--HAIRY, Like Animal>> seriously though, once you use hair removal once, does your hair really grow back faster/thicker--thats the rumor I have always heard. How often do you guys have to go through this stuff.
    I have never shaved my chest or used any removal topicals...always scared that I wouldnt be able to keep up with the growth.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    i have my wife wax me-- i think she enjoys it---gives her some sort of sick revenge in her mind for the things i do

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    hey guys I tryed nads on my nads and yanked one off
    do you think clomid will help? one guy said it helps to
    get your nuts back.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    The Lab
    From my own experience, if you have sensative skin stay away from lotion/chemical hair removers they will mess up your skin and leave you looking like you have 3rd degree burns, not to mention that you shouldn't go out into the sun immediatly after using these products as you can end up with a nasty sun burn. Waxing works the best as it removes the hair follice from below the surface, only problem here is the expense related to the upkeep (typically 6-8 weeks). If your body hair is really dense I'd suggest using an electric hair clipper on the lowest setting. Remove as much hair as possible.
    Buy a Mach 3 razor and a really good shave cream. Get into a hot shower and soften up the remaining surface hair/stubble. Apply the shave gel to the surface of your skin and shave IN THE DIRECTION of the hair growth. Shaving aginst the growth can lead to problems and irratation, this is not to say that it can't be done, but if this is your first time shaving your body it's better to wait until you get the hang of it. Make sure that you rinse thoroughly removing all the shaving cream. Once out of the shower use something like Witch Hazel or a toner on the skin that you have just shaved to disinfect and close the pores. Finally apply a fragrance free moisturizer. I know it sounds like a very time consuming excerize, but once you get it down it really isn't that bad.
    Good Luck.

    Shoot high

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Home at last
    I think that growing back thicker thing is false. I've shaved my chest, legs and arms off and on for years, and it has never come back thicker or darker.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Invest in laser hair removal. It's the best.
    One today is worth two tomorrows.

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