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Thread: forearm issue??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    forearm issue??

    Two years ago i started lighting very heavy while i was on a cycle and i think from using the easy curl bar i hurt my right forearm. but i justed lifted through the pain and it went away like a month aftet that. now two years later it has come back? i'm not doing anyhing different. i just thing something in my forearm muscle or whatever is weak or has a weak point. i'm not on a cycle now so i'm not able to push myself and zone out the pain. only bothers me when i'm working out. like if i bend my arm towards me to flex my muscle then i really feel it. to touch or squeeze my arm it doesn't hurt.

    could using wrist straps be causing this? i have heard some people claim they are bad to use?

    sucks having to lift alot lighter- i'm doing 12reps-4sets. my body doesn't rerspond or put size on unless i do heavy weight. but don;t really have a choice to i figure out why this hurts..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    This problem occurs because the elbow joint is not designed to operate under high load when the wrist is in a supinated (palms facing) position. As the elbow flexes, the wrist supinates, and as the elbow extends it naturally pronates. The natural path of elbow motion is not in a straight line and a lot of stress is put on the bones of the forearm when you use a bar.

    When using a bar, pressure is put on the forearms. When you use dumbells, the pressure is put onto the biceps muscle and the biceps prevent the wrist from rotating, rather than the bones!!!

    That is why I don't ever do bar curls, just db curls, whether that is standing alternating or incline supinating. The main function of the biceps is to rotate the palms towards you, and you can see this because the common tendon attaches on the inner side of your forearm. It is not in the middle, it is on the inner side so that when you contract your biceps it pulls that inner side towards you, rotating your wrist.

    To avoid this problem which will only get worse, quit bar curls. Use dumbells, and try other bicep exercises, including compound ones such as underhand grip chins.

    Whether this is splints of the forearm or not, it is hard to say. It could be the connective tissue or the bones, not the muscles. It does tend to come and go away, you are right.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Great write up of info. i see your point when i'm using a bar it bugs me how its hard to keep your wrist straight. more i think bout it i think the bar is to blame. i hadn't used a bar for a good six months and i have had this forearm issue bout like acouple weeks after doing the bar for awhile. i think like you said its the issue. i will stick with dumdbells and other ways to work them.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jeffsz28
    i will stick with dumdbells and other ways to work them.

    That's the idea, it will help. Another thing that may help you, when you release your grip, do it slowly. If you release your grip too fast it can cause the underside of the forearm to spasm because the tension drops too quickly. Release as if you were balancing an egg on a golf tee

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    thanks for the replies and the help man

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