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Thread: Non-Steroid Baldness???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Non-Steroid Baldness???

    Hay ya'll

    I was wondering how many of you started losing your hair early in life. I mean damn early! I started losin when I was 16, i'm now 20 years old, and the hair on top of my head is about HALF as much as it should be. However, it is staying constant, and although i'm still losing hair, it's VERY little compared to before. Now I'm not sure how bad this is gonna get though. You can see my scalp if you were to look at my head, but i grow the hair kinda long (2 inches) and brush it straight forward and it kinda blocks the scalp, but it's still pretty bad!!!

    Now, I was wondering how many of you lost there hair, either in their teens or early 20's just like me but WITHOUT the help of steroids. And what did you do about it? Did you still do steroids? I'm worried that with steroids, the rest of my hair will fall out real fast, and since it's fairly steady right now, I don't know whether to juice or just ride out my hair till the rest falls out and THEN juice.

    Another option I have is juicing up now and just shaving my head if my hair falls out!

    Also, one more question, how bad is Sustanon on hair loss, considering i'm VERY prone to hair loss. Does it affect that whole DHT thing, etc...

    Let me hear what you think and any other info would help,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Couldn't you get some of that hair on your back and shoulders transplanted to your head?

  3. #3
    Originally posted by arthurb999
    Couldn't you get some of that hair on your back and shoulders transplanted to your head?
    Kick some ass T. LOL

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    I used to get told by the girls that cut my hair that it was the thickest they had ever seen, then I hit 20 and it all went wrong! Propecia came out when I was 27 so there was already noticable damage but let me tell you, you are indeed lucky to have propecia/proscar available before more loss occurs. I would go get a perscription for proscar and divide the tabs into 1/4(It's cheaper than buying propecia). It will most likely stop your loss in its tracks and you might be lucky enough to gain alot back. If the hair loss bothers you, it did me at such a young age then give it a try. Don't listen to all that bs about side effects, try it for yourself, the sexual side effects were on about 2% of people and the placebo group was 1% which shows some of it was mental. I say try it yourself for a good 6-12 months if you want to at least keep what you have left. If you hold onto what you have then something might come along soon that is even better. Good luck.

    Take a look at this website for info on different treatments.

    Also if you go for the proscar then your doctor is the cheapest route, if you don't want to discuss it with your doctor then you can do an online consultation with a doctor and get it legally from a US pharmacy. I have used this site since 1998 and never had a problem.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by arthurb999
    Couldn't you get some of that hair on your back and shoulders transplanted to your head?

    Oh God how much I wish that were possible!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by scottp999
    I used to get told by the girls that cut my hair that it was the thickest they had ever seen, then I hit 20 and it all went wrong! Propecia came out when I was 27 so there was already noticable damage but let me tell you, you are indeed lucky to have propecia/proscar available before more loss occurs. I would go get a perscription for proscar and divide the tabs into 1/4(It's cheaper than buying propecia). It will most likely stop your loss in its tracks and you might be lucky enough to gain alot back. If the hair loss bothers you, it did me at such a young age then give it a try. Don't listen to all that bs about side effects, try it for yourself, the sexual side effects were on about 2% of people and the placebo group was 1% which shows some of it was mental. I say try it yourself for a good 6-12 months if you want to at least keep what you have left. If you hold onto what you have then something might come along soon that is even better. Good luck.

    Take a look at this website for info on different treatments.

    Also if you go for the proscar then your doctor is the cheapest route, if you don't want to discuss it with your doctor then you can do an online consultation with a doctor and get it legally from a US pharmacy. I have used this site since 1998 and never had a problem.
    Hay scottp999, thanks a lot for that info bro, and those sites are very useful. I'll look into that as soon as possible. I just hope it's not too expensive up here in Canada.

    Just like you said, the main thing obviously that I'd be worried about is the side effects, but since it says it's only 2-5% and it's just a slight reduction in sex drive, i think that's not too bad...BUT...isn't that because it's lowering your natural test or something? Wouldn't that be a bad part, causing your weight lifting to be affected?

    One last thing, have you done steroids, and if so, did you take the Proscar with it?


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    OH, one more thing, what about Minoxidil? I've heard good things about that, any experience with it?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    I have not done steroids but I have seen posts around here wher it is ok to use proscar when taking certain types of steroids but for others it is a no no. Do a little search.

    All I can say is that I have not seen any type of side effect. From the research I have done it looks like the most effective thing to fight hair loss right now is to use a combination which includes proscar or propecia, minoxidil 5%, and a shampoo called Nizoral. Nizoral in the US has 1% and 2% active ingredient versions, the 2% requires a perscription while the 1% is on drug store shelves.

    In my opinion minoxidil is a pain, you have to apply this stuff to your head using a dropper twice a day, every day. It doesn't smell that great and you have to wait unitl your hair is dry. I might give it a try again soon. Good Luck. There is a good message board on that regrowth site where you can get a ton of answers.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    thnx again dude, i will look into that ASAP!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    funny im 30 now and before i started juicing and messing about with aas about 2 years ago I had never lost any hair. Now even off a cycle clean I still lose a little or notice a little loss every day, I have tried almost every product there is on and off cycle and nothing changes it at all. All the things listed above are lieing about my apartment minoxidil as has been said is a ball ache to use so is anything else topical to the point when I have tried them I just said fuck it I will go bald if I have to. I have got a little bald patch thats it and its just like where the hair has gone thinner no one else can notice it only me just at the front to the right of centre not a normal balding spot. I sometimes wonder if its due to stress as when im stressed i seem to lose more and I have a small patch in the middle of my head where some of my hair fell out like 10 years ago when I was really stressed out it never got better or worse from then just all happened at once. So really I am left just to get on with it and accept the way it is just hope and prey it doesnt get worse good post


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Well Jason, it could very much be from stress. I've heard many stories about so many different hypothesis and that is one of the possibilities. But on the bright side, your 30 now, and you didn't start losing your hair when you were 16 like me, so I guess that's a plus huh


    Anywho, if it's not that bad, like you said, only you can notice it, then don't worry about it. It aint that bad. It could also just be fucked up genetics that you got. Remember that genes can stay dorment (sp?) for a long long time, like from your great great grandfather and so maybe it was passed on like that. Who knows.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    Check this out:

    Message #641: Proscar and weight lifting>>
    From: Sandman Date: 1/27/2000 10:28 AM
    Does anyone else on this forum do weight training and take Proscar or Propecia?
    I was wondering if you notice any positive or negative changes in strength or muscle mass when taking finasteride. Strength training and weight lifting is my one of my main interests, so I am very observant of any changes in my body. It is common knowledge that DHT is far more potent than testosterone at creating strength and aggressiveness. That is why steriods that are highly androgenic create the best gains.

    So when taking finasteride, I have noticed a very slight decrease in strength due to lower DHT, but only on some days. Usually I feel just fine in the gym. But, it seems that it is harder to stay cut on this drug. Not that my bodyfat percentage increases, but rather a slight increase in water gain making my body appear smoother and less cut. These side effects are hardly noticeable, but if you are a bodybuilder, then you know what I am talking about.

    I think this is due to increased estrogen levels caused by the Proscar, because by lowering DHT it gives testosterone a greater chance of being converted into estrogen. At least that is my theory. Increased estrogen levels can cause water gain and if high enough can cause breast tissue growth (gynomastica) and other unwanted side effects.

    Supposedly, finasteride can raise testosterone levels by preventing DHT conversion, but the body has feedback mechanisms that probably prevent this from happening for very long. Higher T levels would be good, but higher estrogen levels are bad.

    Anyone else notice any changes at the gym or is it just me? Just wondering. Thanks.


    Message #643: Re: Proscar and weight lifting>>
    Reply To: Proscar and weight lifting>>
    From: EricV Date: 1/27/2000 1:23 PM
    When I used to take Propecia, I really didn't see any losses in strength due to lower DHT levels. I didn't see any problems with smoothness either. I think the effects are negligible if any. It's the same thing as weightlifting increasing testosterone levels and causing hairloss. The effects are very negligible. They say that Saw Palmetto is also known to decrease DHT levels but I take close to 720mg a day and have no problem with strength loss, smoothness, or gyno.
    In regards to water retention and definition, I've noticed that if you drink a lot of water (close to 2-2.5 liters a day), you can fool the body into releasing any excess water that may be stored in the muscles and thus resulting in better defintion. It's like the day after a night of drinking, you'll have more definition because you pissed a lot of the water out of your system. Unfortunately you tend to be dehydrated too.


    Message #645: Re: Proscar and weight lifting>>
    Reply To: Re: Proscar and weight lifting>>
    From: Sandman Date: 1/27/2000 2:25 PM
    Thanks for the reply Eric. The effects are very negligible, almost not even noticeable. But I just want to see what others have to say. I have heard so much conflicting feedback about Proscar that it gets confusing. Some people gain hair but get lower libido. Others shed more hair and get increased libido. It doesn't make any sense so I try learn as much as I can. And you are right, if you drink a lot of water and manipulate your potassium levels, you can fool the body into releasing any excess water that may be stored in the muscles and thus resulting in better defintion.
    Message #650: Re: Proscar and weight lifting>>
    Reply To: Re: Proscar and weight lifting>>
    From: Soul Date: 1/27/2000 6:02 PM
    I was going to start a thread on just the same subject. When I started taking 1.25 mgm of Finasteride I got the opposite effect that you did. I gained a ton of strength and size. I think my bench press went up nearly 50 pounds.
    Of course this could be related to two other factors. First I was in an ankle cast due to a severe sprain playing basketball. Secondly I had just started taking Creatine. With my lower body workout on hold, increased testosterone, and the best supplement out there I definitely made gains. Its hard for me to say which helped the most since I'm still taking Finasteride and Creatine.

    From what I've read DHT has no impact on building strength or muscle mass. But I could be wrong. As for libido etc. I've never missed a step.

    Thanks again for the post.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Thnx for that post scott, once again, helpful. I need to make an appointment with my doc soon

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