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Just curious if anyone's thinking muscle imbalance here. A simple manual muscle test could detect that, (Barbndr, ...I'm not sure, but is there a ratio of strength btwn wrist flexors and extensors that could give a similar indication as well?) .
Usually what I commonly see in gyms is a muscle imbalance between wrist flexors and extensors, not too mention poor flexibility in the wrist flexors, as well as the caveman rounded shoulder look,......from tightness at the pec minor, (also usually accompanied by underdevloped scapula retractors),........which could maybe exaserbate the situation via ischemia.
So I'm going to venture some guesses here and you guys can tell me what you think. I'm thinking stretching for the wrist flexors and distal biceps, (simple stretch but not sure how to explain it in words),......along with a heating pad if possible, (to get that permanant collagen deformation,... its easy with that body part to use an ace wrap to help keep it on while stretching), doorway stretch for the pec minor, high rep endurance work for the wrist extensors, possible A.R.T. or myofacial releaase,.....something more than fluff and buff massage to work with out the adhesions.
And there was a really good article on ********,....about rehabing overuse injuries using eccentric exc. alone. It talks about a study done focusing on using soley eccentric exercise to rehab chronic achilies tendonitis, ...very promising results, but obvsiouly it was just one study........really interesting and quick article,..... when I find it I'll post the link