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Probably a tingle factor like everyone has suggested. If you can't afford to switch up lotions yet, make sure you don't go to the tanning bed after working out. The increased bloodflow from working out (plus warmth that will open pores) will only intensify the effect. The only time I tanned after I worked out I got so itchy I scratched myself all over until it hurt and ended up in tears in a cold shower. Not fun, but lesson learned.
Also, you can just put regular lotion on your skin a half hour or so before you go tan. The main point of using lotion is to make sure your skin is moist. UV ray's reflect off of dry skin and you're likely to burn. Moist skin absorbs more of the rays. (Just don't put regular lotion on right before you tan. Some lotion can damage acrylic in the bed.) Oh, if you go to a tanning salon, try to go when its not hopping, so the beds are cooler. Less heat=tighter pores, which means your lotion won't tingle as much. Eventually you should get used to it, unless you're just allergic.