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Thread: Partial Pec tear back

  1. #1

    Partial Pec tear back

    So last week my chest started acting up again. I was hoping that it would go away..but it got worse to this week. The last time it acted up it was September-November last year. I don't get how it is back? Maybe it has something to do that I'm cutting now and a lot of my water weight is gone. It was completely healed and I haven't felt anything from it until now. This is extremely discouraging. Any ideas? I think for the next 2-3 weeks I'll do light dumbbell work. Since I just started cutting I'm sure my strength will go to shit. All that hard work building up my chest during bulking is down the drain

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Hamilton, Ontario
    R.I.P chest's chest

  3. #3
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    reast rest and rest, do light work, do not push it, chances are it does have alot to do with losing alot of water weight, i believe with less cushioning and joint lubrication , one is more proto injury , especially a chronic injury(one that has previously happens and occasionaly flares up) ask my low back about it, i cant tell you how many time i cripled myself so bad i couldnt walk for days, onc you injure a muscle they are more prone to be re-injured again and again

  4. #4
    Man...I wanted to put this pec thing behind me. Thanks for responding. Should I quit doing flat barbell bench all together??

  5. #5
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    chest sucks to hear that brotha

  6. #6
    Yeah it really does...all that work for nuthin

  7. #7
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    I'd stop the flat bench for a month. Use dumbells but be careful not to go too heavy so that you don't make it worse trying to hoist or let them down before and after sets.
    If you have any machines for chest - try them and see which gives you the least pain and use that to work your chest.

    Stretch doing some side lateral movement to pull the chest open a little and don't jump on a machine as the first exercise - do light dumbells.

    If you work out with some regulars - ask them if they have had similar experiences and what they did. I'm saying this because they know the equipment at your gym and may have some pointers that I would miss not knowing the layout of your gym.

    It sucks that these things happen - but it is not impossible to get through and start making gains again.
    Hang in there brother!
    You're still a big dude - don't get discouraged.

  8. #8
    Great post. Very helpful. Thanks a lot just cheered me up because I have been really irritable today and just in a shit mood. Its cutting I think...I feel brittle. I just sort of tweaked my back and calf earlier doing back. Maybe its the sudden dropping of water weight..who knows..but I feel 100x more injury prone right now than normal.

  9. #9
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    Quote Originally Posted by TADOLFI
    I'd stop the flat bench for a month. Use dumbells but be careful not to go too heavy so that you don't make it worse trying to hoist or let them down before and after sets.
    If you have any machines for chest - try them and see which gives you the least pain and use that to work your chest.

    Stretch doing some side lateral movement to pull the chest open a little and don't jump on a machine as the first exercise - do light dumbells.

    If you work out with some regulars - ask them if they have had similar experiences and what they did. I'm saying this because they know the equipment at your gym and may have some pointers that I would miss not knowing the layout of your gym.

    It sucks that these things happen - but it is not impossible to get through and start making gains again.
    Hang in there brother!
    You're still a big dude - don't get discouraged.
    i would give flat a break for a while, i agree, but dont throw falt out forever, give it 2-4 eks and see what happens

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