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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    anyone heard of Vax-D?

    it is a non surgical treatment that has more than a 75% sucess rate to alleviate bulging discs, anyone tried or heard of it?

  2. #2
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    got a link to it? i think i know what you are talking about, the spinal decompression machine, i just got a letter trying to sell me the piece of equipment the other day if this is the same thing i am thinking of

  3. #3
    kwendell is offline New Member
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    I have just recently heard about this myself. I am curious as well seeing as I have disc problems and it has (according to my doctor) caused the muscles in my back to tense up after 2+ years and gives me pain in my facet joints(mid back) and C1-C2 vert. in my neck...

    Anyway, I'm curious too what you have to say about this, doc.

  4. #4
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    Quote Originally Posted by kwendell
    I have just recently heard about this myself. I am curious as well seeing as I have disc problems and it has (according to my doctor) caused the muscles in my back to tense up after 2+ years and gives me pain in my facet joints(mid back) and C1-C2 vert. in my neck...

    Anyway, I'm curious too what you have to say about this, doc.
    i dont know much about it, but in principal, it looks to me as a real good idea!

  5. #5
    tcw's Avatar
    tcw is offline Senior Member
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    I am intimately familiar with the VAx-D machine.

    About 20yrs ago...i suffered from a herniated disc l4-l5. I literally could not walk for 1 week....bed ridden. After one week, i was able to slowly move around but it was about 1 mth before i could walk for any distance.

    Anyway, i suffered through that for about 10 mths and went to see a neuro-surgeon to schedule a surgical procedure (laminectomy). He tried to get me to take pain killers to help me with the pain until the surgery but i refused to take pain killers (even though i was litteraly in tears from the pain). I was experiencing pains down the front of my quads (like someone was poking me with a knife and twisting) and also pains in my glutes and lower legs. Also, numbness in my left foot.

    Anyway, prior to my scheduled surgery i met a Chiro-practor who had the first VAX- D in my area (again....goin back about 20yrs). I thought i would give it a try before the surgery and see if it would help with my pains.

    After one pain was gone. I continued the session for about 1mth...and was pain free.

    Later, i herniated another disc (L5-S1) but that's another story.

    So does work!


  6. #6
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    How much does the procedure cost?

  7. #7
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by the hulkster
    How much does the procedure cost?
    i am not sure, but i would hope it would be covered by most innsurance, if i had to guess, i am sure it is hgh due to the cost of the machine itself, the more expensive the machine, the more expensive the treatment. thats why MRI's cost $1000,it doesnt cost alotof money to perfrom the test or read the results,it is that the machine itself is so damn expensive

  8. #8
    kwendell is offline New Member
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    I would bet it would cost you or the insurance company about the same as physical therapy (which can be quite pricey). It has to be cheaper than the alternative, though...Back surgery. Tcw, your post is encouraging, I have been thinking about trying something like this in hopes that I can finally start lifiting hard again!

  9. #9
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    you never know, alot of innsurances may not cover it yet since it is so new and alot of physicians may not take the innsurance because it will pay them to have to find a few docs who are using the table and see

  10. #10
    smeyers is offline Junior Member
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    86% Succsess Rate
    Patient lays on back (supine)
    Harnesses prevent any stress to the shoulders or arms.
    The amount of decompression can be targeted to the specific disc level by varying the angle of traction.

  11. #11
    smeyers is offline Junior Member
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    I've never tried out either machine. So I can't vouche for anything, but I know that there's a more "modern" form of the Vax-D out called the DRX9000 Here's a comparison of the two, it's going to be slanted b/c its from a chiro that uses the DRX9000, but just as an F.Y.I.

    86% Succsess Rate
    Patient lays on back (supine)
    Harnesses prevent any stress to the shoulders or arms.
    The amount of decompression can be targeted to the specific disc level by varying the angle of traction.

    72% Succsess Rate
    Patient lies face down (prone) which can be very uncomfortable
    Required patients had to hold on with their hands causing severe shoulder/arm problems
    Non-specific for disc levels with its straight-line traction

    Also the DRX9000 has a list of docs that use the machine, they also have a product called the disc distractor, which is a kind of lumbar support harness, I think it's retail is $350
    Here's the site:

    Also not sure where your at, this guy is in Sacramento I believe, and again I can't vouche for the effectiveness of the therapy, I would like to be trained in it after PTA school just to see, but here's the site:

  12. #12
    smeyers is offline Junior Member
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    Sorry about the first post, it got away from me, lol

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