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  1. #1
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Unhappy my liver would be the cause of my pain

    My pain sort of came back and its always on the same side, my osteopath told me that my liver was the problem, she said that a lot of emotional issue go straight to the liver.

    She worked my liver last night doing viseral osteopathy and today i feel a lot better?

    SHe is now sending me to acuponcture, she said that all is replaced in my body and next time is to re-establish proper energy flow and that acuponcture will do just that.

    Does that sound weird?

  2. #2
    Smart-tony's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonar1234
    My pain sort of came back and its always on the same side, my osteopath told me that my liver was the problem, she said that a lot of emotional issue go straight to the liver.

    She worked my liver last night doing viseral osteopathy and today i feel a lot better?

    SHe is now sending me to acuponcture, she said that all is replaced in my body and next time is to re-establish proper energy flow and that acuponcture will do just that.

    Does that sound weird?

    First off what kind of pain?
    Joint pain,internal pain?

  3. #3
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smart-tony
    First off what kind of pain?
    Joint pain,internal pain?
    Upper and lower back pain all on the right side.

  4. #4
    magic32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonar1234
    My pain sort of came back and its always on the same side, my osteopath told me that my liver was the problem, she said that a lot of emotional issue go straight to the liver.

    She worked my liver last night doing viseral osteopathy and today i feel a lot better?

    SHe is now sending me to acuponcture, she said that all is replaced in my body and next time is to re-establish proper energy flow and that acuponcture will do just that.

    Does that sound weird?
    But only from a westerner's perspective.

    If you're interested I'll elaborate in detail later.


  5. #5
    boxingbean's Avatar
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    sound like liver pains....what about bloat?? gas?? cramps?? restlessness???

    symptoms from a dysfunctioning liver

  6. #6
    Snrf's Avatar
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    Honestly all that weird acupuncture, energy flow type stuff can be a complete waste of time.....but some people are legit, so if its working for you you've found one who isn't a con artist stick with it...

    my friend used to get migraines for like 10 years, horrible blinding migraines, tried everything, eventually went to acupuncture, 2 sessions later and he's never had a migraine 3 years its been, so the stuff definitely works

  7. #7
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    But only from a westerner's perspective.

    If you're interested I'll elaborate in detail later.

    elaborate more for me, you know i am intrested in eastern medicine and alternatives. i would like to her your take

  8. #8
    magic32's Avatar
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    ...I recently revisited one of our mutual threads in which you requested my background.

    A couple of decades of personal study and reading on fitness and nutrition. I certainly read more mags in college than textbooks. Additionally, I’m a researcher with a master's degree in Research and Quantitative Methods, professional experience in med/surg research (at Level One trauma center for 3yrs after school), institutional & educational research (2 yrs), and currently financial healthcare research, so quite the spectrum.

    I’m also writing articles and editing other writer’s for Brian C's latest Anti-Steroid site (for children and women).

    I could speak volumes on this, but for the sake of time I’ll encapsulate within an outline:

    I. Bioelectricity
    II. Enzymes
    III. Toxicity
    IV. Immortality
    V. Living food

    Physiologically the bone, muscle, tissues and fluids are all composed of cells, which are composed of molecules, which are composed of atoms. Within an atom, electrons surround a nucleus composed of protons and neutrons hence the electrical origin.

    The human body comes equipped with digestive enzymes, but requires the continual external replenishing of them for optimal digestive functioning. Without which nutrient shortage ensues.

    Toxicity in our air, water, soil, and pesticides end up in our bodies causing numerous problems:
    • RBC’s stack together like coins instead of flowing freely through coursing blood. This makes blood flow sluggish providing less oxygen and nourishment to cells.
    • The same sluggishness appears in our lymphatic system responsible for removing debris from cells. Typically a clear fluid, it becomes milk-like, then yogurt-like, and finally cottage cheese-like.
    • Cells require dry space between them for proper functioning, well toxicity from the above two causes cells to excrete water into the space slowing functioning and weakening charges, eventually leading to oxidation or cell membrane death, resulting in cell death.

    Eastern medicine is far more predicated upon understanding these subatomic particles and their respective charges in relation to nutrition and disease prevention. It has long been believed that cells are actually immortal and that with the proper nourishment of intercellular fluids and subsequent removal of cellular waste products they could live forever.
    I won’t go into detail (you can Google him) but in 1912 physiologist and Noble Prize Winner Dr. Alexis Carrell proved this theory by keeping a chicken heart (the tissue, in some source accounts) alive for twenty-eight years (34yrs by some records). It would have lasted forever had the lab tech not forgotten to change the fluids (deliberately terminated by other accounts).
    Regardless of the specifics in Carrell’s experiment, we are made up of and constantly emitting energy, though not exactly the 25,000 BTUs depicted in the movie ‘The Matrix’. And it all boils down to this (prepare your mind for renewal as I meld beliefs with science):
    There are three basic types of food:
    1. Cooked, which is essentially devoid of nutrients (managing approx. 13% of original amt.), and containing no enzymes (by virtue of preparation) or bioelectrical charges. When we eat cooked food, we basically consume calories that sustain life for a time.
    2. Raw and/or organic which is significantly more beneficial than cooked as it still contains some of the aforementioned enzymes needed for proper digestion. However, there is no healing power in raw (dead food).
    3. Living food however is food that is still growing when consumed. In nature herbivores eat growing leaves and grass, and carnivores eat living (a moment ago) animals. Most won’t even eat apples off the ground, but rather from the tree as they are still living and contain that sought after Bioelectrical Energy (BE). Unlike the two former food groups this is filled with enzymes and contains BE which has the unique ability to sustain a cell’s charge and even recharge dying cells. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics in laymen’s terms states that everything breaks down, you cannot return to an early energy state, because there is always an increase in disorder/loss. However the most abundant source of enzymes, toxin expelling foods (remember toxicity is one of the above problems), has a strong enough bioelectrical charge to reverse the 2nd Law of TD. There have been studies (that I’d have to locate) where mice on BE diets lived the equivalent of eighty human years. Others on a SAD (Standard American Diet) for half their lives were fasted for one month, and given BE diets lived as long as the original group (80yrs), illustrating the reversal effects of it.

    The greatest source is in some cases 200x and others up to 500x the enzymes are found in sprouted foods…wheat & couch grass, an assortment of beans, green vegetables and sea foods (Spirulina, blue green algae, etc.). These foods are so bioavailable that we would call them predigested. Our bodies need do nothing to them.
    Even more fascinating is what’s called Biological Transmutation brought to light by the French scientist and 1993 Nobel Prize winner in Physics Corentin Louis Kervran. Essentially, he theorized and provided enough evidence to prove that elemental nutrients like those of our sprouts above can change form to suit needs within the body. For example chickens were with calcium deficiencies produced soft-shelled eggs, but with highly BE foods they’re egg shells became hard, as it transmuted to the lacking calcium.

    Hence, when on this type of diet one need not worry about protein trifles like the number of protein milligrams I’m getting. Firstly, everything that grows has protein because amino acids are the very building blocks of tissues (plant and animal). Secondly, and we certainly know of there genetic inheritances, but how else could an elephant or a gorilla develop, and maintain such muscled statures, and superior strength on mere plants? Simple by eating the way God intended us to. Unfortunately, man has taken food and turned into some kind of tongue testing pleasure center, rather than a nutritional, electrifying and cleansing tool for the body, mind and soul. And its ability to reverse diseases, cancers, and injuries is beyond belief.

    These component cells make up tissues and our internal organs which resonate at a set frequency. And like a radio station, that frequency central to proper functioning can be measured and essentially rebalanced.

    There’s so much that it’s hard to be brief, and for that I apologize. But trust me, all this is merely the tip of the iceberg.

    Last edited by magic32; 01-12-2007 at 02:32 PM.

  9. #9
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    WOW!!! great info!!! you have one hell of a background and alot of sources of info. please keep up the great work!

  10. #10
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Guys its ok that was the coccoo bitch that i went to see that said that, it was all bullshit, i went to see a chiro that took some x rays and i hope that now i am on the right path.

  11. #11
    magic32's Avatar
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    As long as you're alive, it is never too late to seek the right path, spiritually or physically.


  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    As long as you're alive, it is never too late to seek the right path, spiritually or physically.

    Magic32 its quit sad they closed my other thread on the afterlife cause you had some very good point about science and cell, i was very interested in reading your other views on this and the afterlife.

  13. #13
    magic32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonar1234
    Magic32 its quit sad they closed my other thread on the afterlife cause you had some very good point about science and cell, i was very interested in reading your other views on this and the afterlife.
    Thanks Sonar,

    It really is sad that the respectful sharing of ideas in a civilized manner (without offenses and vulgarity) is just shut down. But it was perceived as a breach of the board’s law.

    I was about to present numerous scientific evidences of the melding of science and religion which have been simply swept under rug and lost humanity, such as the scientists in my above posts Dr. Carrel and Kervan among others.

    Dr. Alexis Carrel, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine who 1912 stated, "The cell is immortal. It is merely the fluid (water) in which it floats that degenerates. Renew this fluid at intervals, give the cells what they require for nutrition and, as far as we know, the pulsation of life may go on forever." He then proved his theory by keeping the tissues of a chicken heart alive for over 28 years when the life span was 8yrs.

    Or, 'Biological Transmutation' brought to light by the French scientist and 1993 Nobel Prize winner in Physics Corentin Louis Kervran. Essentially, he theorized and provided enough evidence to prove that elemental nutrients like those of sprouts can change form to suit needs within the body. For example, chickens with calcium deficiencies produced soft-shelled eggs, but when given foods with high bioelectrical charges they’re egg shells became hard, as it transmuted to the lacking calcium. So our high protein diets, which rob the blood of oxygenation (reduced by 60%) while off cycle is really unnecessary when the proper types of foods are consumed in the appropriate environment. How else can the elephant and gorilla maintain their remarkable strength and size on mere leaves and grasses in the absence of steaks, eggs, poultry, shakes and bars?

    But alas, and paradoxically, it seems enlightened man is just too bright for enlightenment.
    And all this in the name of the alleged ‘separation of church and state’, which was NEVER the intent of the U.S. founding fathers. How do I know this you ask? Because there is not a ‘single’ solitary U.S. document that even alludes to such segmentation. The phrase was unfortunately borrowed from a letter, and subsequently twisted into its current perverted understanding. On January 1, 1802 Jefferson wrote a letter of reply to the Danbury Baptist Church's question, which was essentially, "If we come to America will we be free to choose our own religion and related activities?"

    Jefferson replied, "Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should “make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” thus building a wall of separation between church and State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.

    The underlining says it all. The migration to America was actually a Church Relocation Program, fleeing what was perceived as persecutions of the motherland. The question was answered in such a way as to ensure that government would never dictate how religion is run, and not the other way around. Why would one ever think religion shouldn’t influence law, when the two are birds of a feather?

    Law is essentially the perseverance or safeguard against crime, and religion the observance of divine law, which is again anti-crime. For example:

    RELIGION - Thou shalt not steal.
    LAW – Steal and you’ll go to jail.

    RELIGION – Thou shalt not kill.
    LAW – Kill and you’ll go to jail.

    RELIGION – Love thy neighbor.
    LAW – That would certainly reduce crime, since everyone else is a neighbor.

    RELIGION – Love God.
    LAW – It’s hard to follow his precepts and still cause crime.

    Etc., etc…



  14. #14
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Purely amazing Magic32, this is great looking forward to read more on this in futur post.

    You are right about Gorillas and elephants, i found myself getting a lot fatter when i eat to much protein, but get myself lean when eating the right founds and a mere 100g of protein a day.

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