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Thread: Off again FUKK

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Pride Fighting nuthugger

    Thumbs down Off again FUKK

    I had to stop training again, each time i train my upper back gets hurt.

    There is an unstable vertebra and the osteopath said it would take time to healh properly.

    She said that for the time being i should do some higher reps and polymetric training instead for endurence.

    She said that strenght has nothing to do with rehab.

    I am on and off between acupuncture and osteopathy.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Sorry to hear that bro ,I just been back in the gym only for 5 weeks I took a 4 month break because of a mild disc slip so I know what it's like not training.I was training and dieting for 9 months strong and was ready to apply some gear to really blast off into beast status but sometimes shit happens.When I stopped training I was 180lbs at roughly 9%bf which for me is pretty good and after I healed I had put on 25 lbs of slop so it's real easy to slip up and start slopping up all the shitty food cause you can't train so fuk it you eat.I don't know what your goals in the gym are but if it's being ripped I'd be very careful and keep your diet in check and if not then take it easy and eat the good stuff.But sometimes when you think you can hit the weights hard again it's not so you really gotta be careful about your training man there was three times that I thought I could start training again and I was wrong all three times and that pushed my recovery back even futher and watch your pain killer intake some people use there injury as a vacation and get all fuked up and forget what there training for,so recover smartly and be patient it'll pass and before you know it good luck.

  3. #3
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    i know what back pain is too prob are my disks at t-7,8 and 9 with a chipped facet joint at t 10......just now back in the gym for the last couple of hurt back in dec. im doing reps on machines,,,,and getting in alot of cardio......better then nothing. good luck

  4. #4
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    i wouldnt necessarily agree that strenght has nothing to do withrehab, alot of rehab is donewith people to strengthen there bodies so they can return to daily activities. i think this lady knows very little about rehab

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    i wouldnt necessarily agree that strenght has nothing to do withrehab, alot of rehab is donewith people to strengthen there bodies so they can return to daily activities. i think this lady knows very little about rehab
    Thanks everyone, yeah doc thats why i am seeking elsewhere.

    But still i cant risk it cause i know that heavy lifting causes the pain to come back.

    I got a rendez vous with a chinese acupuncutre, a lot of people at my job went to see this guy and say he is amazing, one guy had serious pain in is knee for 5 years and this guy recovered him 100% with a few sessions, another girl had some neck pain that went away after a few traitments has well.

    Lets see what this guy can do for me.

  6. #6
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    dedic8ed1 goal is simple i just wanna be in shape i am 34 or at least thats what the osteopath told me, i am not sure if she is out of ideas for me, she just said that she would stop treating me and let my body rest, she said that acupuncutre can be very good for me, the women she refered me too didnt do much for me after 2 treatments.

    Its sad cause i have been having pain for 5 years now and wasted almost all my early 30, i could have done so much more.

  7. #7
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    Sorry to hear that man,maybe you should come to the states and see a specialist, doctors here I think would be more knowledgable nothing against canada but doctors in the states are extremely well informed.

  8. #8
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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by dedic8ed1
    Sorry to hear that man,maybe you should come to the states and see a specialist, doctors here I think would be more knowledgable nothing against canada but doctors in the states are extremely well informed.
    God you are so right Canada doctors do SUCK, man i 5 years they cant put the finger on it.

    Chiropratic is shit over here compared to the US from the research that i have done.

    5 minute treatment what a joke

  9. #9
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    i onlyhere god things about accupuncture. keep us posted on the results. alos i went to school with alot of cndians, there has to be few good practicioners up there, maybe not in montreal , but clos.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    i onlyhere god things about accupuncture. keep us posted on the results. alos i went to school with alot of cndians, there has to be few good practicioners up there, maybe not in montreal , but clos.
    Doc you opened*my eyes to the wide world of chiropratic its behond me that theses technics are not used here. I live at 1 hour from Montreal.

    I am giving this acupuncture guy a chance cause i eard so much feedback about him from so many people at my job.

    What i really dont understand doc is why that damn vertebra in the upper back keeps moving each time i train? and how can i go to make it stay in place?

    Osteopath told me to train with high reps and endurance training she said it would work the upper back and solodify that vertebrae, she also said to give it time to healh?

    I dont have problems with it when i do resistance bands exercise or push ups, and bodyweight squats?

    She said she wants to take a break from osteopath treatments and she wants to see my again in January after the acupuncture.

  11. #11
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    ANother thing i dont get is the age thing, i dont think of myself has old after all 34 is still young since i been very active in all sorts of sports from 5 years old til my injury.

    And i never did drugs or drank any alcool. I still feel very young apart the damn back pain.

  12. #12
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    i think the acupunc. is a great idea, as far as why the vertebrae wont stay in place, nobodies vertebrae stays in place, the real question is what exactly is causing this pain. i sont think her annalysis is correct, if we solve the problem the pain will go with it

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    i think the acupunc. is a great idea, as far as why the vertebrae wont stay in place, nobodies vertebrae stays in place, the real question is what exactly is causing this pain. i sont think her annalysis is correct, if we solve the problem the pain will go with it
    The thing is has soon has she adjust the vertebrae the pain goes away, its very weird.

    I dont think its arthitis cause if it was i would feel the pain in the spin and not on the side.

    I will give the acupuncture a chance cause apparently this guy is really good.

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