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Thread: AC Surgery

  1. #1

    AC Surgery

    I've checked many of the forums and i just can't find anything that answers my questions. So i was lifting and i seperated my AC joint, not a problem thats pretty common from what i hear. Well they opened my shoulder up because x-rays showed my collarbone was too long to go back in to the joint. So they shave off my collar bone and then scope down to my bicep tendon and my labrum to make sure that is all ok. Well now its been 7 weeks since surgery and my AC joint feels great, but its my delt right between the front two scars feels like somebodys stabbing me when i do very much weight on dumbell bench (50's plus), front/lateral raises, or stabalizing the weight on cable skull crushers. I think the pain is where they just cut through the muscle and its still healing maybe? But i dont know, its been almost 2 months i figured it shouldve healed by now! Anyways should I be lifting through the knife like pain, or should i take it easy on it? Stem, ultra sound, anything else?? I ice it 2-3 times a day. I appreciate the help guys, its depressing me not being able to be in the gym.

  2. #2
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    a van down by the river!
    do not lift through pain like that!have you talke to your ortho doc and told him you are still having severe pain?

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