I have noticed that a lot of people have been mentioning sweating problems while on cycles. I get this a lot to when I am on a cycle. Finally I started to ask some doctors that I knew how I could possibly stop this. I tried the prescription deodorant and that stuff didn't work very well at all. Finally I found out about Botox injections under the arms. They do this medically for hyperhydrosis(excessive sweating) or for just about anyone who wants it. I am telling you guys I swear by this. This totally cuts off sweating from you under arms. You still sweat on the rest of your body, but believe me this knocks out a very large portion of the problem. I know the first question you're going to ask is where does all the sweat go? Well the Botox makes your sweat glands paralyzed so you don’t even produce the sweat to begin with. This stuff is truly unreal. I have done it 3 times now and each treatment lasts 6 months. Let me know if any of you guys want to learn more about this. I hope this will help curb some of your sweating problems.