Well on Friday i ask my chiro again if an MRI would be necessary for me or not.

My chiro showed me is degree in neurology he said he said that a good chiro must cover all aspects of pain.

The main reason why he doesnt send me for an MRI is because i can still be active, walk, bike, and that i passed the tests he gave me 3 times for hernia.

He said that the pain also moves around, sometimes its in the lower back and it goes into middles back and upper back, when i have a vertebra subluxation in the mid back my lower back pain goes away completely.

He also says that with all the adjustments that i add the body is reajusting itself.

He said not to worry if i need an MRI i will send me but for now everything is going has planned.

Reason my pain was always coming back hard was because when i felt good i went on and did some weight training and tae bo, bootcamp.

He says that there is a good way to get back being active and a bad way, now i walk and went bike riding today and i feel great.