How do all these body builders get rid of unwanted hair?! They can't shave there bodies everyday can they or is there a good solution out there that does the trick? I mean how can someone shave there whole body everyday?
How do all these body builders get rid of unwanted hair?! They can't shave there bodies everyday can they or is there a good solution out there that does the trick? I mean how can someone shave there whole body everyday?
NADS! The Australian hair removal gel! info mercial is on every night, and I’m 100% sure it works as good as all info mercial products.![]()
That was a joke im assuming, bahaha, they probably have laser removal would be my guess
bro, i shave my chest, arms everyday of my life for the last 10 years. during the summer and near a show, my legs also. forget NADS, shit hurts WAYYYYYYY to much...mach 3, only way to go!
I hate the shaving part really annoys me I can,t be bothered to do arms or legs i run clippers over them but the chest has to be shaved 1-2 a day and i agree there has to be an easier way
Wax or sugaring is best way to go, last 3-4 weeks, hair grows in lighter and thiner. Hurts less each time you have it done. Naps is just home wax kit, i would sooner pay a pro to do it.
3-4 weeks really? Sounds good hmmmm may have to give that a try otherwise I fear it will be the blowtorch!!
depilitory creams work though they can take more than one occasion and you have to test it too. Even Nair how has a cream for MEN. I've used them and if you leave them on too long before wiping off you'll burn the skin and rash up.
I have tried the creams but they never work.i think it depends a lot on your hair type and whether you are dark or fair.Waxing still sounds a good idea.........I think!
DB101, I can vouch for that! My girl was tired of hearing me complain about shaving all the time, so she ordered that stupid Epil Stop and something... figured why not give it a shot, right? WRONG. Sprayed it on my chest after not shaving for a few days. Left it on a few minutes too long apparently, when I wiped it off, OWWWWW!
Took off Some of the hair, along with some of the skin, and left burns and a rash for a week...
OK, everyone stop laughing!
It's NOT funny!
LMAO - sorry I know I should,nt I don,t know whether its the post or the sig with the little D-Bol that makes me laugh![]()
LOL...thanks alot bro.
For my pride's sake I'll assume it's the sig.
Love that sig, bro! Poor fella, too bad he's not near me or I'd give him a hand!
Tweezers, one by one!!!![]()
if you want a good mostly permanent solution, look into the epilight laser. did my chest and arms and 90% of the hair is gone so far, only have had 2 treatments, plan for 2 more.
how much did the laser treatment cost you bro?
Bump this cos I would,nt mind knowing how much and Excess tweezers hell i better take a week of work it would take me that long![]()
so whats the cost????
I'm interested to know how much that costs too....... (AKA bump)![]()
yeah the cost? how much, if anything i want to remove the hair of my ass!i hate it
sorry it took so long to reply back. so here is the deal with laser treatment. this is going to take some time but here it goes.
the laser treatment is almost 100% effective. works best on people with very light skin, therefore if you tan or are tan you cant be when you start the treatments. only when you finish the treatments can you tan again.
by almost 100% effictive i mean that it doesnt work fully for everyone. i got lucky and most of my hair was lost during my first treatment. it is a gradual process that requires the first 3 treatments to be at consecutive 4 week intervals. if you need more procedures, they will be at 8 week intervals after that. over time the hair root is killed and dies and you hair falls out. now if you know anything about hair anatomy, your hair folicles run on hybernation peroids so if all the hair is gone in 3 sessions, 6 months later you may get some hair that comes back - that was the hybernating folicles that werent killed so you will have to go back and get another treatment to kill them.
it is well worth it seeing that it cost me $70 for my chest and arms to be waxed for one session. for 3 seession of my chest and arms it is going to be $1000. after i do those 3 fully i will see if all my hair is gone, if not i will do a few more sessions. then if i am happy i am going to do a few sessions on my legs and my ass. those will run a bit more money.
now, the pain. nothing compares to waxing in pain however, the laser doesnt feel good at all. you are first covered with a fine clear gel and then they slowly mark over your body with the laser. each "shot" feels like a long rubberband being pulled back and relased on your skin. after the treatment you are VERY red and VERY hot. however, in a few days it is gone. within 10-14 days you will notice your hair falling out. most men, because they have coarse hair get what is called "folliculis" bascially an inflamed hair root. it looks like your skin is coved in pimples. dont worry, this goes away (trust me i freaked out but the doc assumed me and she was right) ... and when it does so does that hair.
if you need more info just ask ill tell ya. most of my freinds are going to get it done now too because of me (of course i had to be the guinea pig.)
its a process, a long term remidy, not a short term solution to the problem. remember that. i live in IL so I go to the number one laser specialist downtown chicago.
I will try to post a picture of when i had the folliculitis and after photos if you guys want to see.
here are a few links if you are interested
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