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Thread: HELP!!! Still losing my hair!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    .99 cent store

    HELP!!! Still losing my hair!!!

    Hey AR bros its a pleasure being back. I've been gone a few months because of my new job situation. Hope everyone's been getting huge!This was my cycle of which I've been off for about 2.5 months now.

    Week 1-10 sust 500mg (testanon)
    Week 1-10 eq 400mg (boldenone)
    Week 8-13 Winny tt 50mg ed
    Week 14-16 Clomid therapy
    Arimidex .5 ed

    To prevent hair loss I only took saw palmetto, nioxin shampoo and leave in treatment. The hairloss was actually very minimal throughout the cycle but in the last month or so I've really seen my hair thining and on my hands when I'm putting on shampoo or gel. What can I take? Can I take anything to regrow the lost hair? This is really worrying me since I've always had thick hair. Thanks for your help in advance. Any good advice will be welcome. Peace and keep getting huge.

  2. #2

    Get yourself some industrial strength product.

    Azelaic Acid is a topical creme that reduces 95% dht on the scalp.

    5% topical spironolactone creme competes with DHT 70-80% at the hair site.

    Saw Palmetto is very weak. Get the real stuff.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    .99 cent store
    Where can I get this stuff? What do you think of Nizoral shampoo?
    Anyone else? I really need some help here. Thanks

  4. #4
    dr lee can compound it for you, go to

    any local doc can write the azelex script

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    los angeles
    what has really worked for me is propecia 1 mg. This has worked miracles for me. i take 1.25 mg everyday and every 5-7 days I take 5 mg this is the only way for me to keep my DHT at the extreeeeeme lowest. My hair has gotten thicker and I have grown some hair back especially on my hairline. see if it works for you. good luck.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    los angeles
    and also. from what i have heard topical creams and stuff that goes on the head and hair most of the time are useless. it has to work from the inside not the outside. this is from my expereience and from a lot of research, cause i am really freaked out about losing hair.

  7. #7
    well, topical or systemic it really don't matter. All the discussed products accompish the same thing successfully, and its backed up by alot of good science. Pick the one you will best incorporate in your daily ritual, and stick with it during your cycle.


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