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Thread: HOW MUCH hairloss??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    HOW MUCH hairloss??

    I'm thinking of running a fina/test cycle. I am prone to losing my hair althoguh it hasnt' been TOO Bad yet but i'm only 21. If either or both of these compouns cause hair loss and I take them how much hairloss are we talking about? Like I will loose 1/5 of the hair on my head or just a little? I know it depends on the person but how much hair are we talking about when you guys talk about hair loss?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Bro its really hard to tell how someone will react to certain AS. If ur prone to hair loss more then likely u will have some. To what degree is anyones guess really. You may want to invest in some Nizoral Shampoo
    ketaconazole 2% just incase. Good luck bro!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You don't need to know

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Originally posted by sick1

    I'll keep mine thank u..


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You don't need to know
    Originally posted by OGPackin

    I'll keep mine thank u..

    Yea but if it goes.....than let it go . I would like to keep mine too , but I heard someone on here yesterday say , he was taking propecia and his hair was still falling out. IMO , all that stuff is Hype. My brother went to "Hair for Men", or something like that , they just basically glue hair to your head and then you have to keep going back every 3 months. Because what little hair he had was growing through the hair that they put in. It's not worth it !!! Shave your head, grow a goatee and throw some earings in each ear :lol

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    How much does that shampoo cost? I dont want to have to shave my head cuz i'm going bald at 21 from aas...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    los angeles
    propecia has helped me a lot/ i take 1.5 mg a day and every 5-7 days i take 5 mg, This is an excellent way to keep DHT levels at the minimum. it helped me.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    United States

    Re: HOW MUCH hairloss??

    Originally posted by Needtobeswoledup
    I'm thinking of running a fina/test cycle. I am prone to losing my hair althoguh it hasnt' been TOO Bad yet but i'm only 21. If either or both of these compouns cause hair loss and I take them how much hairloss are we talking about? Like I will loose 1/5 of the hair on my head or just a little? I know it depends on the person but how much hair are we talking about when you guys talk about hair loss?
    I think if you have noticed some thinning or hair loss already by age 21 and are prone to MPB, then you can expect some acceleration of the hair loss process while on a fina/test cycle. It will probably depend on the dosages, cycle length and how many AAS cycles you plan to do in the future. Propecia only slows down the hairloss process IMO. I have also heard several AAS users complain that they think propecia counters their gains somewhat in the gym.

    I am not a doctor though. Anyways, I think you have to ask yourself- is your hair more important than having a ton of quality muscle? If so, maybe you might want to reconsider starting up with AAS.

    Because lets face it, once you have done one cycle, you will probably do more and that will increase or accelerate the hair loss, if one is prone to MPB.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I haven't noticed that much hair loss yet, but my dad is almost completely bald and my grandpa on my moms side too. I've done an eq cycle when i was 18 and didn't notice any accelerated loss. I think my hair might be thinning a little now though but it could be me being paranoid. I dont want to help it fall out any faster though.... guess i have to make up my mind what's more important like u said.

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