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Thread: Stretch Marks

  1. #1
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    Stretch Marks

    hey has anyone here gotten stretch marks.

    I tried cocobutter but it isnt working well for me.

    I got my doctor to prescribe me a cream Called RetinA (Tretinoin)

    it helps skin growth see wiki >>>

    "It is used by some as a hair loss treatment and also a component of many commercial products that are advertised as being able to slow skin aging or remove wrinkles.[3] Topical tretinoin is also used to treat and reduce the appearance of stretch marks by increasing collagen production in the dermis.[4]"

    What have you guys done i have an appointment with the dermatologist this week the cream has seem to reduce them on my arms a little bit but has anyone else had sucess??

    I am even gettin them on my lats now and its gettin ridicoulous and these are fresh to. btw the retin-a cream is only effective on new ones of pinkish and red colour that are less than 1 year old.

    I did some research and the cause of stretch marks is the inside of the body growing faster than the skin can. So building muscle or a pregnancy in women can cause this easily. It is because of not enough elastin and collagen in the skin which maintian skin elasticity and skin tone.

    i think this is stupid i am not that big and i have seen some massive body builder without a single stretch mark.

    That other cream supposedly can increase collagen but isnt helping.

    Other methods were

    -Chemical Peel (an acidic patch on your skin that takes skin off and new skin will grow in)

    Both of these remove the skins top layers and i heard laser surgery can cost alot and isn't very effective.

    Has anyone tried tanning?

    They are all listed there to.

  2. #2
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    Who knows?

  3. #3
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    Helpful but anyone here haveany suggestions or try anything?

    How did tanning work?

    I see the dermatologist this week any chance i could get Melanin type 1 from them?

  4. #4
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    wrong forum dude, you might get better responses in the spa section

  5. #5
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    Yea probally right can an admin or a mod move this to the spa forum?

    i Just though there is alot of posters in here and people with questions About AAS might also have skin problems as a result of muscle growth......

  6. #6
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    Nothing will work to lessen stetch marks or make them heal. I tried both Retin A and all the types of creams and nothing worked. If you are genetically prone to get them there isnt a whole lot you can do. Only thing I would suggest is try to stay very lean, and then your weight gain will be much slower and maybe you wont get them as bad. Dont do the all out bulking diet where you take in massive amounts of cals.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maldorf
    Nothing will work to lessen stetch marks or make them heal. I tried both Retin A and all the types of creams and nothing worked. If you are genetically prone to get them there isnt a whole lot you can do. Only thing I would suggest is try to stay very lean, and then your weight gain will be much slower and maybe you wont get them as bad. Dont do the all out bulking diet where you take in massive amounts of cals.
    so what about the pros? they must have massive stretch marks?

    ive heard of laser therapy and all that, have they done something along those lines?

  8. #8
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    hey Amorphic i am actually seeing a real certified dermatologist tommorow.

    PM me ill let you know what happens.

    What strength Retin A did you have???

    Amorphic i heard laser is expension what about the dermabrasion and the chemical peel?

    I would guess chemical peel you would have to stay off weights for a while.

    And Maldorf have you tried tanning or Melanotan?

  9. #9
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    Hey Amorphic sorry just another thats what drove me nuts. I was talking to another bodybuilder who competed at Mr. Canada before etc and he was gentically small he never got a single stretch mark.

    I asked him about it and he told me he thinks it is weird cause he knows tons of huge pro body builders in which they're skin would be way more strecthed then mine due to the sheer size and he said he rarely sees it. He has seen many huge pro guys without this problem he said he had rarely seen it.

    Again how does tanning work for you guys with stretch marks.

    Im mad though i even got them on my friggin lats now its BS!!!

  10. #10
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    i have them pretty bad from my armpits heading to my biceps, on the inside of my hams and my lats as well. sucks.

  11. #11
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    Yo Amorphic im in the same boat as you but im really mad cause im young.

    Get retin- A the ones on my arms are gettin a bit better. But mine is crazy on lats and arm pits and now the side of the chest :S

    I cant belvie nothing can be done. If stretch marks are caused because the skin cant generate enough elastin and collagen then why cantthis be replaced. I heard you can get collagen injections.

    Amorphic have you tried tanning via tanning bed or melanotan.

    PM me tommorow ill let you know what happens at dermatologist lol i refuse to take the only answer is cocoa butter!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by big10
    Yo Amorphic im in the same boat as you but im really mad cause im young.

    Get retin- A the ones on my arms are gettin a bit better. But mine is crazy on lats and arm pits and now the side of the chest :S

    I cant belvie nothing can be done. If stretch marks are caused because the skin cant generate enough elastin and collagen then why cantthis be replaced. I heard you can get collagen injections.

    Amorphic have you tried tanning via tanning bed or melanotan.

    PM me tommorow ill let you know what happens at dermatologist lol i refuse to take the only answer is cocoa butter!
    i havent used melanotan but tanning reduced the redness. lol, i like your optimism

  13. #13
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    So for you tanning made them less visible?

  14. #14
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    only because my skin was darker. it took away some of the redness. they are still very visable though

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    i have these marks on my D**K

    its just so big

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Ive got them bad in my arm pits ,,bis,, stomach but tanning took the red ness out of them + i use bio-oil thats clearing them up!

  17. #17
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    i have them on my armpits... im useing maderma to see if that will help. ill let everyone know after a few weeks of use if its starting to help. also i might try that java lather to see if that helps.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    so what about the pros? they must have massive stretch marks?

    ive heard of laser therapy and all that, have they done something along those lines?
    yes, they have a lot of stretch marks, at least some. Depends on your genes.

  19. #19
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    Once the skin is torn like that, it is a permanent scar. They do fade with time and turn white, so they arent as noticable as when they are red and new. You get the stretch marks when you put on weight too fast. If you are a slow gainer then you may not have the problem so bad. I am 37 yrs old now, got my first ones back when I started training seriously at the age of 16. Squating put them on fast in my inner thigh. The stretch marks were so deep that they would actually bleed after I worked legs. All the retin a did was make my skin red and irritated. I tried 2 different concentrations of it too, the most powerful one came in a tube that was orange. None of it did a damn thing. Vitamin E did nothing too, as well as oral vitamin a.
    You can try what you want, but it is my personal experience that nothing works and it is all a waste of time and money.
    I think the best defense is to lose bodyfat and keep that low so that weight gains will be slower.

  20. #20
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    sucks for me since my gains this year have been lightning fast and i defiently have the marks to prove it

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    sucks for me since my gains this year have been lightning fast and i defiently have the marks to prove it
    Yeah, when I first started lifting I put on mass really fast. In the course of 2 years I went from 135 lbs up to 185 pounds naturally, so 50lbs. My bodyfat % really didny go up much, so it was mostly muscle. The skin just cant cope with that kind of growth. I still acquire some new stretch marks now, but nothing like I did back then. I might gain only 5-10 lbs of muscle/year now so its slow going after all this time.
    It is also interesting to see how women put on stretch marks when they are pregnant. Some women get masses of them all over their bellies and boobs, others dont get a single mark. My wife got barely any marks and her body weight jumped from 120 lbs to 150 lbs in 9 months. So she put on 1/4 of her body weight and didnt get much of any marks. Its all genes in my opinion. If I put on 60 pounds and went from 240lbs up to 300 pounds in 9 months I would be covered head to toe in stretch marks.
    Last edited by Maldorf; 12-10-2007 at 12:38 PM.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maldorf
    Yeah, when I first started lifting I put on mass really fast. In the course of 2 years I went from 135 lbs up to 185 pounds naturally, so 50lbs. My bodyfat % really didny go up much, so it was mostly muscle. The skin just cant cope with that kind of growth. I still acquire some new stretch marks now, but nothing like I did back then. I might gain only 5-10 lbs of muscle/year now so its slow going after all this time.
    thats how its going for me. started at 152 january and now i'm 210. chest is filled with stretchmarks as well as new ones on lats on lots on inner thighs. guess i need to tone down on the quick mass increases

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    thats how its going for me. started at 152 january and now i'm 210. chest is filled with stretchmarks as well as new ones on lats on lots on inner thighs. guess i need to tone down on the quick mass increases
    Keep an eye on your waist measurement and look in the mirror. If you start growing in the waist then you know its time to make a dietary change. Ive tried the approach of bombarding my body with excessive calories and all you do is end up storing the extra food as bodyfat. You can still accumulate bodyfat even when you are eating super clean too, the daily calories are very important. I think if I had leaned down some maybe I wouldnt have put on so many stretch marks. If you have put on 60lbs in one year, a considerable amount of that is probably not muscle. It is unheard of to have someone put that much pure muscle on in such a time span, AAS or not. I would work with the diet.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post
    Yo Amorphic im in the same boat as you but im really mad cause im young.

    Get retin- A the ones on my arms are gettin a bit better. But mine is crazy on lats and arm pits and now the side of the chest :S

    I cant belvie nothing can be done. If stretch marks are caused because the skin cant generate enough elastin and collagen then why cantthis be replaced. I heard you can get collagen injections.

    Amorphic have you tried tanning via tanning bed or melanotan.

    PM me tommorow ill let you know what happens at dermatologist lol i refuse to take the only answer is cocoa butter!

    tanning always helps hide the marks, help them blend in for sure.

  25. #25
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    yo Maldorf u got a point. i was at the dermatologist today got really pissed for one the guy tried to rush me out like nothing.

    he just prescribed me more retin A but it is workin a bit for me but i only got .025%

    (maldorf what was the strongest one u said u were able to get it)

    I asked about tanning he says "nono" in his chinese accent. Then i started talking about melanotan and if he could get me that he just tells me next week. wtf

    and i even asked about acne i am trying this some anti biotics and this cream but i just want accutane

  26. #26
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    Btw Maldorf the reason i was holding off on tanning is because apparently you cant use accutane or Retin-A for that fact at the same time so they say.....

    I am not sure but laser surgery is to expensive plus im young and growing. I didnt ask about chemical peel or dermabrasion but i swear if he doesnt want to atleast give me a better sterntgh retin-a im done with this guy.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post
    yo Maldorf u got a point. i was at the dermatologist today got really pissed for one the guy tried to rush me out like nothing.

    he just prescribed me more retin A but it is workin a bit for me but i only got .025%

    (maldorf what was the strongest one u said u were able to get it)

    I asked about tanning he says "nono" in his chinese accent. Then i started talking about melanotan and if he could get me that he just tells me next week. wtf

    and i even asked about acne i am trying this some anti biotics and this cream but i just want accutane

    I took tetracycaline(spelling?) for acne and it seemed to help.

    I dont remember the strength of the retin a, only that it was in a tube that had orange on it. The weaker stuff had green on it and didnt do much of anything. This was back in 1986, so I cant remember,lol! Overall, the retin a didnt help me a bit with stretch marks, but did help with acne.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post
    Btw Maldorf the reason i was holding off on tanning is because apparently you cant use accutane or Retin-A for that fact at the same time so they say.....

    I am not sure but laser surgery is to expensive plus im young and growing. I didnt ask about chemical peel or dermabrasion but i swear if he doesnt want to atleast give me a better sterntgh retin-a im done with this guy.
    Yeah, the retin a makes you more photo sensitive. I wouldnt even worry about using the retin a because it didnt help me a bit. I suppose everybody is different though, and I am not a doctor.

  29. #29
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    Sorry Maldorf i dont know if i asked you this have you tried Melanotan Type 1 or 2?

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post
    Sorry Maldorf i dont know if i asked you this have you tried Melanotan Type 1 or 2?
    No, have not. I am not worried about the stretch marks anymore, as I am not getting new ones much at all now. The old ones have faded.

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  32. #32
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    Can you get this from a doctor perhaps prescription >> strivectin-sd

    Ill mention it to him for me precription is better medical insurance pays.

    Maldorf i also noticed i was about same age as you now when you got them i put on so much weight so quick it was nuts. I am still puttin it in but not as fast for some reason. The older marks i had months ago look a little fadded already. And supposedly retin-a is only good on pinkish red ones within a year of formation.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post
    Can you get this from a doctor perhaps prescription >> strivectin-sd

    Ill mention it to him for me precription is better medical insurance pays.

    Maldorf i also noticed i was about same age as you now when you got them i put on so much weight so quick it was nuts. I am still puttin it in but not as fast for some reason. The older marks i had months ago look a little fadded already. And supposedly retin-a is only good on pinkish red ones within a year of formation.
    from people ive talked to, u can get it at GNC.
    But yeah, ask yr doc about, see if he knows anything.
    Ive heard cases where it didnt help, and others say within a few months the marks are barely visable.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    from people ive talked to, u can get it at GNC.
    But yeah, ask yr doc about, see if he knows anything.
    Ive heard cases where it didnt help, and others say within a few months the marks are barely visable.

    Well see how it goes i am still on Retin-A .025 % actually i gotta say the older marks are starting to fade away. The new ones are pretty red though. The ones on my arms were small skinny ones but on my lats they are huge.

  35. #35
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    I have some on my outer and out-lower chest that bother me a lot... Some even go further than they should imo. So even if there isint much I can do about it, what can at least take the redness away?

  36. #36
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    Option 1: Vitamin E/Cocoa Butter
    Option 2: Mederma
    Option 3: Strivectin-SD
    Option 4: Laser

    Some say tanning helps.

    This should help:

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post
    Can you get this from a doctor perhaps prescription >> strivectin-sd

    Ill mention it to him for me precription is better medical insurance pays.

    Maldorf i also noticed i was about same age as you now when you got them i put on so much weight so quick it was nuts. I am still puttin it in but not as fast for some reason. The older marks i had months ago look a little fadded already. And supposedly retin-a is only good on pinkish red ones within a year of formation.
    I used the retin a as soon as I got the stretch marks, and it did not do a thing. I used the strongest gel they had too.

  38. #38
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    Yeah, i`m using coco butter now twice a day and it dosen`t seem to do much. Mabye the benefits take awhile to actually show.

  39. #39
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    Coco butter was useless for me.

    I must admit this retin-a is actually working they are gettin better but i doubt it can fully remove them.

    They look less intense with the retin-a and i havent been using them that long.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post
    Coco butter was useless for me.

    I must admit this retin-a is actually working they are gettin better but i doubt it can fully remove them.

    They look less intense with the retin-a and i havent been using them that long.
    I guess mine were just too bad then, because it did not help me.

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