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Thread: Q'S about MT2 sides that im experiencing..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    in my own world

    Q'S about MT2 sides that im experiencing..

    okay, i started of with 10mg of MT1, then i switched to MT2. i prob have taken 6 shots of the MT2 and i still feal naucious after i inject and i have no libedo side effects... when i was on the MT1 i had no sides at all, when i switched to MT2 is when i started to experiance sides. is it normal for the naucious fealing to still happen and to not have any lebido side effects? i know its real stuff because i have gotten alot tanner after taking approx. 15mg and i have gotten some hyperpigmentation.... i take 1mg everyday at night. another question i have is whats the longest i should run MT2 for? thanks everyone!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    From the drug profile for Melanotan 2

    "The most commonly reported negative side effect of the hormone is nausea directly after injection. This varies from little to no stomach discomfort for many to vomiting for others. This effect is most pronounced during the loading phase when a user will be using larger doses of the hormone and these effects should be alleviated at least somewhat once the dosages are lowered and administered less frequently. Beyond lowering the doses administered however, there appears no treatment to help avoid this effect."

    so yes, I would say your situation is normal. It does not list a total length of time just that during the maintenence stage the user would need to inject every few days.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Darkest Africa
    Been on for 12mg and still get nausea pretty much throughout the day.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    in my own world
    yeah it seems wierd to me because everywhere i read about it says that the nausea goes away after the first couple shots... every night i take this stuff my stomach gets upset and it just makes me not want to do anything.... and i dont get any kind of "lebido" side effects what so ever... but i am getting alot tanner... does anyone know what the max length you should run this stuff is?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Second that, I have been running it for a while now, haven't seen any sides except after the injection, but that was at the loading amount. Started with 1mg a night for 2 weeks and now have been running it at 1.5mg a week splitting doses into .5 on Mon. Wed. and Fri.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    i still get the nausea even after many injections, it was weird because the first time i took mt2 the nausea started to subside as i went into the cycle of it, but the last few... after every shot there is nausea and facial flushing. mt2 is suppose to be stronger than mt1

    as far as the length or duration of administration... i know people who have been on it for over a year straight now

    as for the sexual sides, you should be defenetly having boner issues with mt2, especially at 1mg per day, at .75mg eod i was always hard, it kind of became a problem, but after i had been taking it for about a month the libido sides started to subside.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Discipline_1 View Post
    i still get the nausea even after many injections, it was weird because the first time i took mt2 the nausea started to subside as i went into the cycle of it, but the last few... after every shot there is nausea and facial flushing. mt2 is suppose to be stronger than mt1

    as far as the length or duration of administration... i know people who have been on it for over a year straight now

    as for the sexual sides, you should be defenetly having boner issues with mt2, especially at 1mg per day, at .75mg eod i was always hard, it kind of became a problem, but after i had been taking it for about a month the libido sides started to subside.
    Over a year? does anyone know if that will ruin your natural melanonin production, where you would need more melatonin in the future to even get a tan, or shouldn't that be a problem??

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Jackblack20 View Post
    Over a year? does anyone know if that will ruin your natural melanonin production, where you would need more melatonin in the future to even get a tan, or shouldn't that be a problem??
    Most conclude it shouldnt be a problem. Cant say for sure though. Been on for years myself and couldnt be happier

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    never cycled off it Vette? have you had to increase your melatonin amounts/concentration over the years or have you been able to maintain the same color at about the same concentration?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Jackblack20 View Post
    never cycled off it Vette? have you had to increase your melatonin amounts/concentration over the years or have you been able to maintain the same color at about the same concentration?
    Nope & same

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