Few years back I tore part of my pec and bicep, the tear originated in the armpit area and slightly brused the outside of the uper pec and inside of upper bicep, the pain over the next several months spread to the middle pec and soreness went as far as the muscle under the nipple area. I had 2 MRI's done and the doc confirmed that the tendon was ok but the muscle was partially torn as well as part of the fascia in my upper inside bicep, also I may have partially torn my coracobracialis but he just speculated this due to persistant soreness in this area. surgery was not an option due to no ligament or tendon damage so I was sent for 5months of physical therapy which was enough to cure my bicep but not my pec.
I started lifting again and been still in semi rehab mode with my pec starting off benching the bar for sets of 50 and increasing the weight 10lbs a week then eventually only 5lbs a week while decreasing the reps. I have worked my way up to 175 for 3 sets of 8 without straining or coming close to failure however I have noticed moderate soreness in my outer pec/coracoid process area and recently have decreased the weight to 135 for 3 sets of 15 doing this twice a week.
My question is can you suggest a rehab program designed for pec/coracoid injuries that I can implement?
Here is a list of my exercises that I have been building up to rehab the shoulder/pec area.
D.B. flye (5lbs slow reps for warm up only)
Bench press (wide grip with bar for warm up)
Bench press (narrow grip for regular weight)
D.B. front raises (full range of motion)
Rear delt machine
Internal/external rotation
cable pullovers
various rowing exercises
hammer curls
D.B shoulder presses (light)
I'm no stranger to powerlifting I pressed a 352 @ 173 w/shirt in competition a few years before the injury, so my goal would be to at least get back to reping 225 without pain.
oh btw the orthopedic surgeon I'm going to used to also compete in powerlifting many years back (kewl huh?) and he said that if I truely wanted to I could probably get back to nearly the same condition on the bench however he strongly advised against it.
Any advice you give is appreciated, thank you