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Thread: Yes another shoulder thread

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Pittsburgh, PA

    Yes another shoulder thread

    OK here are my symptoms:

    right shoulder

    when i lay on my stomach and lay my head on my shoulder with my right arm extended - no way.. pain sets in in like 3 min

    while lifting:

    seated dumbell shoulder presses:

    light weight ok (up to like 50 lb dumbells)

    60, 70, 80 - hurts like a bitch - but whats weird is if i do the rep at a specific angle i can complete the set...

    my frame of mind is im in the middle of a cycle and **** it - im gonna work thru it... ill rehab the shoulder after im done (i know prolly stupid)

    when benching - nagging at low weight/reps

    anything like 250 and up pain like a bitch - but like above hurts like a mofo

    lotta vague shit here guys - any ideas on what this is and if its gonna go away...

  2. #2
    Where in your shoulder? Back,front,top? I am 8 wks post op. from shoulder surgery. Might beable to help.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Pittsburgh, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by Gottawanna View Post
    Where in your shoulder? Back,front,top? I am 8 wks post op. from shoulder surgery. Might beable to help.

    Thanks man. Yeah its in the core on the top. I would say right in front of the top peak bone (dont know what its called) - but internal.

    I have had impingement before.. and it took a long time to go away..

    I am hoping its the same thing...

    i have been healthy for the longest - then i start my first cycle and this happens...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    You're only gonna screw your shoulder further up if you continue agonating it and chances are that you can't train for a while after your cycle and lose all gains.
    Get some Active Release Technique therapie, maybe a few sessions will help you so you can continue.

  5. #5
    It sounds like the usual "slap tear" this is the ring inside your shoulder that the bicep tenden is attached too. What can happen is this ring can tear away from the shoulder muscle. Depending on how bad it is torn you may need to get cut. I would keep your work outs simple. Dont do alot of flys and movements like that. The bad thing is this type of injury does not heal itself. Ice it after you lift. Good luck!!!!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    try grabbin a fix'd barbell,, pick a light weight around 20 or 30,, keep your elbows pointed to the celling, arms bent at 90 degress,,, now without moving your elbows,, lift the barbell right to the tip of you head,,,,, do about 2 sets anytime you do upperbody,save it for the end of the workout and aim for high reps,,,,, i messed my shoulder up bad, to the point where it shifted foward,, so one shoulder was futher up then the other,, after about 6 months of doing this exercise pain and shoulder returnd to normal,, my bad for the long post,, its just one of the few times i acually now what im talking about

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Pittsburgh, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by cowboy-chris View Post
    try grabbin a fix'd barbell,, pick a light weight around 20 or 30,, keep your elbows pointed to the celling, arms bent at 90 degress,,, now without moving your elbows,, lift the barbell right to the tip of you head,,,,, do about 2 sets anytime you do upperbody,save it for the end of the workout and aim for high reps,,,,, i messed my shoulder up bad, to the point where it shifted foward,, so one shoulder was futher up then the other,, after about 6 months of doing this exercise pain and shoulder returnd to normal,, my bad for the long post,, its just one of the few times i acually now what im talking about

    Sounds promising but I cant picture it. Reverse grip? Sounds like the barbell would be moving from the back of my head to the front...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    no no,, the barbell starts at your waist,, and finish's at the top of your head,,,

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Pittsburgh, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by cowboy-chris View Post
    no no,, the barbell starts at your waist,, and finish's at the top of your head,,,

    OK I am holding it at my waist open or reversed grip... My elbows point where?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    elbows pointed to the celing,, arms bent at 90degress which should atomatically force your elbows point to the roof,, normal drip(overhand)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Pittsburgh, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by cowboy-chris View Post
    elbows pointed to the celing,, arms bent at 90degress which should atomatically force your elbows point to the roof,, normal drip(overhand)

    I must be a retard cause i cant see how i can stand there holding a barbell open grip at my waist and my elbows point straight up....

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    so basically when your holding the barbell at your wasit,, your palms should be facing you( keep them shoulder width apart,,,,) at this point i dont see it being very hard to make sure your elbows be pointed at the ceiling

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    google the cuban press, i just remebered the name

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