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Thread: Right Shoulder/trap/chest problems

  1. #1

    Right Shoulder/trap/chest problems

    for a few years i have had muscle pain in right chest/trap/shoulder. I've seen physio and even chiro for it and to no help.
    first problems started with muscle pain on the right side of chest, if i were to move my right shoulder back to far, i feel really big stretch over the top of the pec, then i feel something like a crack/rip and my chest muscle flares up for about a week or so, along with my right trap especially near the shoulder blade. At first docs said it was costochondritis but that wasn't it. I did a full body bone scan to rule out any bone inflamation and result was no bone inflamation whatsoever. I have done all blood/ekg and everything else possible to rule out heart problems.
    If I am over active with my right hand like throwing the ball or even shrugging, again my whole right side just flares up. I also find some muscle deficiancies on the top of the pec on the right side. But it can only be shown when i flex.
    Couple of days ago i was doing some excersises and noticed that when I stretch out my arms to the sides with thumbs down and then start to lift my arms - my whole shoulder rides much higher then left, also as soon as i get hands to about parallel level with floor front of my shoulder feels like its burning, same as when I work out and muscle just gets exhausted.

    I am going to attach some pictures of me just standing, flexing and having my hands to my sides. Hopefully someone can help me out.

  2. #2
    third picture doesn't look good. How did all this begin?

    You're going to have to solve this on your own, my friend. You'll soon see that no one will be able to understand your body they way you do.

    I have many injuries of my own that i am slowly moving towards recovery on. The only that has helped me is the supreme effort of my intelligence. Most doctors did nothing for me, and in fact, many of them did me a lot of harm.

    Use your intelligence to recover and improve the quality of your life. You're going to need to do some detective work and try and figure out the pieces of the puzzle. How did this begin? What exercises were you doing? How long until you started feeling pain? What we're you eating? How did you're body feel when this started?

    Good luck.

  3. #3
    I think i've injured it about 4 years ago while i was in the army, i was doing a lot of ruck marches with a lot of weight - sometimes up to 120lbs, so that might have something to do with it. Also my posture has gone to shyte, shoulders rounded forward kind of posture. When i first started getting pains it was in the right top peck area close to where colar bone is attached to sternum. Now it has spread to the shoulder, trap, neck and back.
    Also when i first started having the problem, my lymph nodes would flare up for a few days and go away. Eventually the problem went away. I started seeing a chiropractor few weeks ago and he did some muscle work/deep massage maybe? And node flare ups came back the same day he did it. It would go away few days after until he would work the muscle again and so on, I am away for a bit and haven't seen him in 2 weeks and no node flare ups. but I do have constant trapesius flare up, its always sore and tense. I would love to figure out what the problem is, but i need help from docs/specialists to guide me in the right direction so i can figure out what i have to work on. But so far i have not had any luck.

    Physio told me that I had sublaxing ribs, but wouldn't bone scan w/ isotopes pick up that inflamation?

    Chiro is telling me its a muscle imbalance problem, and thats kind of the way i feel also, just feels like my chest/back/trap muscles are always rock tensed. and top of the right pec is undeveloped.

    I am going to see a specialist again when i come back, since now we eliminated bone inflamation, I guess he will have to start eliminating other stuff too.

    This is really problematic for me as i cannot do any overhead work as everytime i do anything overhead i feel my right pec muscle (tear/overstretched?). Like i was saying i cannot even throw the football as it gets sore and flares up for a few weeks after. If i put my hand across my chest and push on the muscle along the sternum i can feel them ache.

    I would really like to hear Doc. Sust input on this matter and anyone else with any ideas or suggestions

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