for a few years i have had muscle pain in right chest/trap/shoulder. I've seen physio and even chiro for it and to no help.
first problems started with muscle pain on the right side of chest, if i were to move my right shoulder back to far, i feel really big stretch over the top of the pec, then i feel something like a crack/rip and my chest muscle flares up for about a week or so, along with my right trap especially near the shoulder blade. At first docs said it was costochondritis but that wasn't it. I did a full body bone scan to rule out any bone inflamation and result was no bone inflamation whatsoever. I have done all blood/ekg and everything else possible to rule out heart problems.
If I am over active with my right hand like throwing the ball or even shrugging, again my whole right side just flares up. I also find some muscle deficiancies on the top of the pec on the right side. But it can only be shown when i flex.
Couple of days ago i was doing some excersises and noticed that when I stretch out my arms to the sides with thumbs down and then start to lift my arms - my whole shoulder rides much higher then left, also as soon as i get hands to about parallel level with floor front of my shoulder feels like its burning, same as when I work out and muscle just gets exhausted.
I am going to attach some pictures of me just standing, flexing and having my hands to my sides. Hopefully someone can help me out.