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Thread: best way to REMOVE UNWANTED HAIR

  1. #1

    best way to REMOVE UNWANTED HAIR

    need some help here, i shave my arms and legs b/c i love to show my definition(not much). my question is that after the first shave on my legs, i start to get razorburn real bad and these are brand new razors. how can i avoid this and what is the best hair remover cream. Also, i have one little patch of hair right in the middle of the chest and i was wondering do i want to shave or use cream on that. if i shave will it come back worse. any and all comments are helpful.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Get the igea electric hair removal system. It will take alot of time, but it just might work.

  3. #3
    As for the razor burn - are you using aftershave right afterwards ?? Either that or some isopropyl alcohol. It'll sting a little, but helps to prevent the razor burn. Also, do it at night before bed if you can, and not in the morning or something, where you plan on running a few miles later that day. Sweating profuciously the day you do it helps to bring about razor burn - basically the rubbing together of the legs.

    What type of shaving cream do you use ? I'm a fan of the pink Skintimate bottle - yes, it's made for women - but it seems to feel better than any shaving gel or foam I can think of.

    You can try some nair - I prefer the green bottle (with aloe & lanolin).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Pasadena, Texas
    when shaving i use conditioner. it doesnt really matter what kind, i just use the cheapest kind for hair and it really does help with razor burn and allows you to get in close without cutting yourself all up.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    land of the cottonheads(F
    Try "Veet" comes in a baby blue can. In the shower just spray on wait 10 min and wipe off with a sponge, done!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    new york
    Try Kiwik for men it work's great.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    south africa
    the girlfriend got me to try waxing, a week later, i look like i got chicken pox or something, NEVER again, ichy!!!!!
    i go with Buddha, shave with conditioner

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