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Thread: broken back

  1. #1
    #1BOO is offline New Member
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    broken back

    yea im new here so I will cut to the chase. I was in a serious auto accident and broke my back. replaced bottom 2 disk,6 titanium rods, 4 shocks,6 screws, 4 pins. i was in great shape @ 38 years old 228lbs & 9% bf. Which is what saved my life. now after a year I am ready to go after it again.I need to bulk up with out being able to go heavy. i also need to trim down my mid section. What do you guys think I should take for a cycle. need advice.

  2. #2
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    womb raider
    you shouldent run a cycle at all ,you should get yyour bodt used to lifting again and steroids will only add to your problems imo

  3. #3
    j4ever41's Avatar
    j4ever41 is offline Senior Member
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    I would have to agree stay away from the roids and consult with your doc/doc's before restarting your workouts and get your diet back in line. When you do start back after consulting with doc start back very slow and light and be patient if something hurts stop doing that movement and try it later if it continues to hurt stop the movement all together.

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