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Thread: Accutane While on steroids

  1. #1

    Accutane While on steroids

    I am currently on a rather low dosage of Dianabol only. (Yeah, im not hardcore )
    Ive been having acne on my face for some time.

    Is it safe to continue by medication of accutane for acne while on steroids?

    Would it complicate things further and affect my health further?

    I also read in the other thread that minocycline would not be good for body builders as it inhibits protein synthesis.

    Pls help!!!
    Last edited by 99heyho; 04-08-2008 at 08:40 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    The Endless Obsession
    your skin will likely dry out and you will get stretch marks

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Back The Way you Came
    NO! nothing oral accutane is hard enough on it.

    as far anabloics (injectables) i dont know. i know they might raise the cholesterol and the Trigylcerides and with accutane doing the same or messing withit bad idea.

    If you want to keep cycling your better to finish the 18-20 weeks from the derm wait then cycle and you should never really get acne again.

    orals is to risky on that shit its hard on your liver as it is. injectables im not sure it would depend.

    and also tretinoin a cream is used to fight stretch marks. i dont know why that guy said you would get stretch marks thats debatable. in some ways accutane could help them as the skin dries and regrows. retinoids (tretinoin) make scares and skin heal faster.

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