Well my left side where my upper body meets the hips is sore and feels almost bruised when I press on it and my lower back feels kinda strained on my left side as well. This side doesn't necesarily hurt and the pain i experience when pressing this area is very mild almost like a sore muscle or healing bruise, but I have not done anything to taget this area is several days. I have had a buling disk before and I know that isnt what this is, but could it possibly be nerves? My roomate said something about kidney damage but it is mainly on the extreme left of my body where the abdomen and legs meet and not as on my lower back except on the extrmeely lower lefter portion. Plus i can urinate and function properly and pain free....it just feels almost as if pressure is even built up in this area and it feels kind of fatigued and strained deep throughout my lower left side of my body when i walk. what could this be?