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Thread: Pec tore? how to tell

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Pec tore? how to tell

    I was working out doing chest press. Didn't press more that i usually do, but while doing the 14th rep i felt the sharp pain on the left chest side. Felt like someone squeezing my heart and fell to the floor . Now it hurts even if i take deep breaths or laugh. Can't sleep on left side and the pain is not like the pain of a pulled muscle. Can a pec muscle be pulled ? If it is torn how long will it take to heal. And is there anyway to tell for sure if it's torn other than mri?

    p.s This is my first noob question, i well come any

    thanks guys for any info

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    vast rt.wing conspiracy
    i have the same thing, although it feels more like a rib issue, it hurts like hell to breath, sneeze, and bend over to pick something up. Maybe it's a smaller muscle in between the ribs?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    vast rt.wing conspiracy
    ended up being a torn muscle in between ribs, healing quickly.

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