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Thread: Must read!!! Im growing hair everywhere and need desperate help please....!!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Must read!!! Im growing hair everywhere and need desperate help please....!!!!!!!!!!

    I was just wondering what was the best hair removel to use and last longest which means the smooth look until darn hair comes back. I use to be a person with hardly no hair and ever since i started to juice , it seems that im growing hair everywhere. Im not tyring to be nasty but I have always had hair on my scrotums but now its growing on my thingy which pisses me off, Im even growing very thin hair under my eyes above my cheek on my face. What the hell is happening to me, Am I growing into a big beast? Is this normal? anyway please tell me what is the best stuff to use. Thanx

  2. #2
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
    Join Date
    May 2002
    If the hair is still thin try Nair. I don't have much body hair and Nair will last me up too 2 weeks before getting stubble.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  3. #3
    As for the "sideburns" growin on your thingy - take a Mach 3 in the shower with you and mow them down with some soap.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jersey
    i hate to tell you this bro, but yes it sounds like you're turning into a werewolf.. here's my advice mach3 razor with soap, nair 4 men, tanning salon for waxing and i too think i have this dreaded problem. my back, and shoulders are getting bad. i don't get acne too bad as a side, but for some reason it seems i get a little more hair. it's driving me nuts.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Hehe BEASTMAN!

    I watched he-man as a kid...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by kreper69
    i hate to tell you this bro, but yes it sounds like you're turning into a werewolf.. here's my advice mach3 razor with soap, nair 4 men, tanning salon for waxing and i too think i have this dreaded problem. my back, and shoulders are getting bad. i don't get acne too bad as a side, but for some reason it seems i get a little more hair. it's driving me nuts.
    tanning salon , what part of the body do you use this on and is it at wal-mart? thanx bro

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jersey
    i don't know if you can get it at wally world, but i think another name for it is pro-gold. it works good for chest, back, arms, shoulders. it last's alot longer then nair, or other hair removal things i've used and leaves you looking smooth till hair comes back. i don't know about using it by the eyes bro i'd be real careful with that.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by kreper69
    i don't know if you can get it at wally world, but i think another name for it is pro-gold. it works good for chest, back, arms, shoulders. it last's alot longer then nair, or other hair removal things i've used and leaves you looking smooth till hair comes back. i don't know about using it by the eyes bro i'd be real careful with that.
    thNX bro Ill try that out

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    man i know how you feel.
    Since ive dont my cycle ive been growing hair stomcah, mychest, my lower bac and my BUTT!!! i hate this yall thin nair for men will help??

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