is there any good hair oils that would help with hairloss and hair texture,ex olive oil ,coconut oil,does anyone use hair oils and does it help having healthy hair or not..peace
is there any good hair oils that would help with hairloss and hair texture,ex olive oil ,coconut oil,does anyone use hair oils and does it help having healthy hair or not..peace
Nope. No such oil exists.
Your best bets would be prescription stuff you can get from a dermatologist or hair transplants.
PABA not an oil it causes hair growth in a large minority (about 40%) of the people who take it and it makes your hair come in in it's natural color. My Doc sells it as a supp in his office he mostly sells it to women for the hair color thing. I notice my hair is now jet black and even though I am on Test it is not falling out anymore. Also makes the skin supple
I take 40 mg twice a day if after 40 days it does not work it is not likely to work for you. According to my doc. IT is a supp you can buy on the internet
doesnt oils help with hair shine or health or anything?
As far as hair "health" goes, once your hair exits the hair folicule, it's dead, just like your fingernails or toenails.
You can make it shine by applying a variety of oils. One of the more popular ones is a combination of 3 types of silicone oils--cyclomethicone, dimethicone, and another "-cone" type oil whose name escapes me right now. A little bit of this stuff goes a long way, and too much will tend to attract dust and will make your hair dingy. Drugstores stock dozens of different brands of this stuff, and you can save $$$ by buying the house brand at the Dollar stores. If you get the thick clear stuff with the mixture of the 3 types of silicone oils, you'll spend $5 (or so) for a 4 to 8 ounce bottle that will last you until Armageddon. Just put one drop on your palms, and rub briskly into your hair. It'll take about an hour to completely spread throughout your hair, so wait a bit before you succumb to the temptation to add more.
There's a diluted version of the same stuff, but while you can just spray your hair once or twice and be finished, the bottle won't last as long. But that's your call.
Anyway, for pure out and out shine, the 3 silicone oils can't be beat.
Now, if you've put a lot of chemicals on your hair, like relaxers and colors and bleach and pool water and etc, that's quite another matter which needs a different solution. For that, you'll need what's called a "protein filler" and then an application of silicone oil on top of that. I don't know too many barbers who know about such things, so you may want to consult a knowledgable hairdresser about this . . .
Hope this helps . . .
I've not seen any ads about olive oil for hair oil, but no, none of that stuff has any particular advantage over the cheap stuff sold in drug stores to make your hair shiny. And it doesn't have any positive effect on your health, nor will it grow more hair. Any manufacturer that claims that it does, is selling a product considered to be a drug by the FDA, and they must prove to the FDA that it does what they claim.
What kind of problems are you having with your hair?
my hair is kinda frizzy and damaged now,and lacks shine as well.
never bleached or coloured,just from the gel and weather..
Everyone has their favorites conditioners, but far and away the best I've ever seen for hopeless cases is this stuff:
Wash your hair, apply a liberal amount, and wrap a hot, wet towel around your hair, and let it sit for half an hour. If you have the sort of hair dryer that you can stick your head into, then instead of the hot towel, just wrap your head in tin foil or plastic wrap, and sit under the dryer for half an hour.
Then rinse your hair (no shampoo), and the results will be amazing.
You can get similar results with Horse & Mane conditioner or many other drugstore products, but that Peter Hantz stuff is amazing.
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