ive finally quite being a pansy and decided I want a sick looking tattoo that goes around my right bicep, since im bulking and my biceps specifically are growing larger should I wait awhile or does it matter? i'll admit im pretty much a tattoo noob.
ive finally quite being a pansy and decided I want a sick looking tattoo that goes around my right bicep, since im bulking and my biceps specifically are growing larger should I wait awhile or does it matter? i'll admit im pretty much a tattoo noob.
I'd wait.
Im no tat expert, but it seems it would stretch out.
ya thats what I was personally worried about... I mean whats the point if the tattoo is gonna look like shat down the road, thanks for the reply
I agree with waiting. Whatever clean lines the tattoo has will stretch and look horrible.
Yeah wait till your at your biggest. A good tat artist stretches the skin as he inks it anyway, si if you do shrink in the future then the ink will only look better/darker.
jing jai
cool bro thanks for the advice, i've waited this long, I can wait longer til I get bigger.
F*** just got a new tat rear shoulder down to lower tri, great artist but I am on cycle no not a bulker but I expect a little size.
Goal is to harden up a bit, am I f***ed???
It came out amazing, I certainly don't want to screw it up!!!
come on guys use your heads....go get a tattoo ...i put on 30 pounds and all of mine still look fine. and even if yours did stretch you can always get it filled in or gone over
my tatts looking fine after gaining 15 pounds
I've got two sleeves, and a big side piece. I've gained about 30 lbs since getting them, and they look fine. The ink grows with your dermis (skin). Since your arms or whatever body part may be buffer after bulking, you may notice spots where the artist originally didn't shove enough ink in there originally. It's quite natural and just have someone touch it up!
The best artists usually go over their pieces 3-4 times, and layer in the ink, so it looks more solid over time, and through changes in body chemistry. It's kinda of a secret to the trade, and the average Joe Shmoe Tattoo artist in some random shop in town probably won't tell you, or even care if you come back. They just want the quick cheese, and usually stick to doing gay armbands for their entire careers.
Anyway, should be fine.
you will be fine bro just go get your tatt. ive got my whole right leg done plus a design that covers the inside of my right bicept and neither have been affected during bulking. i put on 17kgs in a little over 20 weeks and my tatts have been fine this goes for when i diet down as well.the skin is very durable.
good luck with your tatt man once you start with the ink you are gunna want more
I have been having a full body suit done and I was bulking last year .
The artist said in theory you should get it done when at your biggest but it made no difference to mine.
On my first session she was outlining on my arse after I had a first jab the day before. I nearly cried.
The next time I went I took a couple of valiums and snifffed some ketamine.
Didnt feel a thing.
The only problem is after getting work done you shouldnt sweat and the healing proccess takes a lot out of you.
I Actually have a total of 8 tattoo's and have been told by my tattoo artist who is also a body builder that the tattoo will NOT be affected if you GAIN muscle mass, it is when you start to LOSE the muscle/weight of a significant amount that your tattoo will become shite.
Iam covered full back ,elbow to shoulder ,both legs and cheast the only time weight loss will effect you will be when your old because the older you get the skin loses it elasticity and starts to (I think the saying is heading SOUTH) so will everthing else by then and you wont care. I got my back done when I was bulking and its fine go for it
Last edited by scorpion62; 01-19-2010 at 02:39 PM.
Respect to eded full body ah the pain The base of my back I was sure the guy was using THE CAT OF NINE TAILS and the best bit we pay for this pain 1200 hundred pounds for my back and price just kept going up because with every sitting I would get something else done Its a drug body art once you start you just wont more and more
Last edited by scorpion62; 01-19-2010 at 02:38 PM.
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