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Thread: Stretch Marks Upper Armipts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Stretch Marks Upper Armipts

    Well I know some people are going to say I should be proud, but I'd rather hide these badges of manhood for the time being. I have maybe around 5-7 thin red stretch marks in each armpit sections that connect to my pecs. I'm hoping I can deal with them because they are so fresh

    Should I use mederma, vitamin e and retin-a?

    How often should I apply this products?

    How quick can i get these bad boys to fade if i use the products above?

    Should I take anything to prevent this from occuring again?

  2. #2
    use em every day and tan a lot. They wont go away regardless.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    lol it's real rough when you get them on your lats and bis.... kinda cool but i could do without

  4. #4
    stay hydrated take vitamin e use cocoa butter lotion 2x day

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by 133923 View Post
    Well I know some people are going to say I should be proud, but I'd rather hide these badges of manhood for the time being. I have maybe around 5-7 thin red stretch marks in each armpit sections that connect to my pecs. I'm hoping I can deal with them because they are so fresh

    Should I use mederma, vitamin e and retin-a?

    How often should I apply this products?

    How quick can i get these bad boys to fade if i use the products above?

    Should I take anything to prevent this from occuring again?
    coco butter helps me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Left Coast
    lotion that has cocoa butter, use a little before you workout and after if need be... they'll fade away

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