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  1. #1
    Grappler13's Avatar
    Grappler13 is offline Productive Member
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    Getting old? Help with 3x3 Pain.

    Hey all. So, I'm 36 and am a pretty experienced lifter. I've been noticing some issues with my knees over the past few months. I usually do lots of volume with squats and deads and my working sets for both exercises have gone up 65 lbs in the past year from around 200 lbs to 265 lbs. Around three months ago, I started noticing "pain" in my knees. It's not actually painful but I always notice that my knees just don't feel as fluid and smooth as they used to and this issue seems to have shown up out of nowhere.

    The "pain" is not localized other than being knee pain inside the legs and across the patella generally.

    Additional Information:
    - I sit in an evil Aeron Chair for work and I'm sitting at least ten hours a day
    - I do put my feet up on a box/ ottoman and there might be some slight hyperextension when I do this (Need to stop that ;-)


  2. #2
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I guess that i am not a fan of squatting and deadlifting because i hurt my back so bad with them.

    I am 36 years old myself and been having nagging back pain for a long time.

    I guess that at some point in life when we do get older we have to choose what type of training would be better for us.

    Our bodies are not eternal same has our ligaments, and bones and disks and all parts of the body that gets damage with aging.

    Has for me i train with a multistation and that suits me fine.

    Has for sitting for 10 hours i guess you should do some type of streching at least every hour of the day.

    Also move around a bit. Good luck, pain sucks

  3. #3
    stpete is offline Banned
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    I hear you man. I'll be 40 next month and been dealing with a weak left knee for 5 years. Lower back issues as well. As mentioned above, i just had to adjust my leg workouts where i can minimize the risk of hurting myself. My 'heavy" days are 8 reps on leg press cause i can't afford to hurt myself. My knee sometimes feels like it has an air bubble in it. Weird.

  4. #4
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I got some very good comments from people using the complex animal flex from universal, i have been using it myself to early to tell if it works of not.

    Also collagen Genacol is very good to rebuild lost cartilage, cartilage is compose of 67% of collagen and only 1% of glucosamine.

    I know that more reseach has to be done on this but still some reserch has been done on collagen and arthrosis arthritis that look to be promising.

    Visit the website, i ordered the program and its amazing.

  5. #5
    Grappler13's Avatar
    Grappler13 is offline Productive Member
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    Thanks for the replies!

    Im definitely going to start
    - stretching on the hour
    - keeping my feet off of the ottoman/box

    Note: I took all weekend off from work and my knees feel great! Funny that sitting at a desk all week seems to hurt my knees more than squatting. Desk life sucks

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