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Thread: Injured hand

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Callao, Virginia

    Injured hand


    I was a little stupid last night and got into a little brawl. I felt it a very little bit at the time, but when I just woke up my hand hurts like a mother. Its not a boxer break or nothing, no swolling, just intense pain when I make a fist with my hand. Its more towards the top/middle of the hand. I guess its from an awkward punch that I layed.

    I was thinking a sprain or a strain, any ideas on what I should do or what it is?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    lets see...were you by any chance drinking a bit??

    the classic so called "boxer's" fracture is really a brawler's fracture - it is the 3rd or 4th metacarpal broken midshaft and angled up. Real boxers with good tight fist break their knuckles if they break anything at all.

    Sounds like you didn't break anything, there would be a hell of a lot of swelling and point tenderness. I doubt any ligamentous injury either if it was a closed fist. You would feel instability in one of your joints if you did.

    I recommend ICE as much as possible for the next 2-3 days and protecting your hand with a wrap to keep swelling down and prevent it from accidentally hitting/getting caught on things (would be painful) - you know how when you have an injury all of the sudden it seems everything you do seems to hit that spot on your body.

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