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Thread: Anyone knows if its possible to rebuild a disk and if hernia can be cured with rest

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Thumbs up Anyone knows if its possible to rebuild a disk and if hernia can be cured with rest

    I got some dried up disk on the lower back, now i have read studies on the internet that says you can rehydrate the disk by decompressing the spin via inversion table and feeding the disk increasing bloodflow in the region with exercise like walking.

    Taking glucosamine, collagen and EFA to feed the disk, i have seen this study

    I tough was very amazing considering the guy was 56 years old, study took place during a 2 year trial period with only glucosamine, patient has DDD.

    I have also seen other that say DDD is part of the normal aging process and cannot be reversed?

    Still my current medical doctor who performs prolotherapy told me that by decompressing the spin and feeding the disk it is possible to rehydrate the disk.

    Also i did read some very mixed reviews on hernia and rest, saying that a hernia can be cured if resting for 6 months, other studies say that they have to be removed via surgery.

    I also have seen many people who do have DDD and hernia and dont feel pain at all, some of them like Doc Sust said are even lifting squatting heavy and more.

    Can anyone clear up all of this?

    I have started decompressing my spin and upper neck has well and been on Animal Flex for 5 months now Universal award winning supplement also using ***** Flex and Genacol for collagen.

    I do plan on going for a second MRI within 2 years to see if my L4L5 and L5S1 disk have rehydrated.

    I dont plan on lifting heavy anymore nor squatting or deadlifting i never loved theses lifts anyway, but i do plan on getting back into kenpo karate.

    There is always a fear that i might reinjure myself doing so and that is the reason of my post.

    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Shreveport LA.
    Im about to see a Nuroligist for my lower back. I have compresed 2 compresed vertibre. Do you know if this will help? I would love to squat again.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Does the inversion table really help much? I had one but hatted hanging up side down, I have ADD it it was boring. LOL
    That is how I herniated my L5, it was quite sore after a 2 week vacation to Thailand over worked, so at home it was bothering me quite a bit one evening so at 3:30 am I got up, pulled out the inversion table and hung upside down for about 1 minute then started doing inverted sit ups. POP!!!! that was it. It took every ounce of strength and ignoring the pain to right myself and un hook my ankles. So much for L5-S1

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Does the inversion table really help much? I had one but hatted hanging up side down, I have ADD it it was boring. LOL
    That is how I herniated my L5, it was quite sore after a 2 week vacation to Thailand over worked, so at home it was bothering me quite a bit one evening so at 3:30 am I got up, pulled out the inversion table and hung upside down for about 1 minute then started doing inverted sit ups. POP!!!! that was it. It took every ounce of strength and ignoring the pain to right myself and un hook my ankles. So much for L5-S1
    NEVER DO A FULL INVERSION NEVER, only invert to max 60 degrees, if you do a full inversion that is the worst thing you can do because instead of removing pressure it creates even more.

    I invert for 10 minutes a day, listen to music while inverted because it is quit boring and never ever do sit ups on the inverted position.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Hmmm now you tell me. LOL Yeah it seemed to me the more the better, inversion.

  6. #6
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    Apr 2008

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Hmmm now you tell me. LOL Yeah it seemed to me the more the better, inversion.
    don't worry, your disc was going to go anyway, it was just a matter of time. People always claimed this or that herniated my disc...especially at work so they can get money. The truth is it's the underlying DDD that was going to get you sooner or later, it could have happend bending over to tie your shoe but it was going to happen.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    keep well hydrated, joint supplements, and stay away from activities like running that produce bouncing axial forces on the spine and hope for the best yannick.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    keep well hydrated, joint supplements, and stay away from activities like running that produce bouncing axial forces on the spine and hope for the best yannick.
    Thanks Kratos i really dont like running at all, i really hope martial arts is not that tough on the lower back and disks.

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