Hello Guys i fractured the prox. phalanx in my hand a few years ago and let it heal natty, over few years via weights and boxing my bones in my hands have gotten thicker/harder and no pain now
In 2004 i broke my first metatarsal in my foot(bone from ankle - to great toe)
and had surgery -two steel pins joining the bone w/it healed
(the drill wasnt strong enough out so he got some damn pliars and yanked em out lol)
But the pain is there, when the weather is gettin cold, in SQUATS< DEADS
Is there any med that will help me, or later down the years are somatomedin C and HGH a choice, i think HGH would help w/ bone thickness. any ideas cause i dont wanna wait years 4 experience and then resort to hgh i want the pain gone????
And no guys im not lookin to get any type of corrective surgery cuz simply couldnt afford it for a few years and even by now the damage(healing) is done.