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Thread: Possible Femoral Hernia

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Exclamation Possible Femoral Hernia

    Leg day last week, I had just finished 6 sets of squats and was working on a medium weight set of presses, on the negative rep I felt a searing pain in my lower abdomen/hip flexor region. It feels like there is a slight glandular type lump there now but there is a smaller one on the opposite side as well. So it gives me hope that this could be some sort of strain or inflammation. I have a feeling of fullness in the area and for the past few days I have been hesitant to flex my lower abdominal region. Not sure if its psychosomatic or a legitimate threat. I've tried ice and rest and today its still bothering me. I have been doing alooooot of weighted lower abdominal work and considering the pain occurred on the negative side of the rep everyone I train with has been fixating on my hip flexor. My concern is the fullness feeling/enlarged glandular feeling lump. I'm also mid cycle running sust/winny...not sure about what to do at this point. If it is a hernia, what are my training options? How immediate of a threat is a hernia? I don't want to lose my gains or terminate my cycle early...any help would be appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Sorry to hear . If you bare down and it pops it . It's a sports hernia . If not sure after that I would go higher than hell on fiber . Add fiber powder to protein shake (like benefiber ) . I don't see alot of fiber in bodybuilding diets . If it is a hernia there is a chance intestine can be strangulated and bad stuff happen . Can only be surgically repaired . A strain can recover with a little rest .
    I am almost 5 weeks post surgery . No expert but I know the anxiety . Good luck .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    man i had a hernia just above my cock and balls on the left side , i let it go over the years and it gradually got worse to the point where it was tennis ball size ...if you feel a lump there that wont go away then i would get it checked could be strangulated , BUT if you can push the lump back in it is not strangulated but still get it seen to , i had the operation and i was out of the gym for 8 weeks but i started back light and soon enough i was back to doing my normal heavy weights , but bro go see your doc

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    There is a difference between an Inguinal hernia and a Femoral Hernia.
    You should see your Doctor so at the very least you will know what you've got.
    Nobody ever died from one Bro, most cases you can put off treatment until you decide that you're ready.
    keep us informed.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    I appreciate the input guys, I guess I'm going to have to get it checked out with the doc. It will be a few days before I can get in bc of work but I guess in the meantime I will train as usual, well as much as possible. The past few training sessions have sucked considering my mind has been preoccupied with this and I have found myself doing more puss movements to keep pressure off my core...for example I found myself working tri's almost completely seated, supported and nothing overhead to keep from having to tighten up.

    I am definitely going to the Dr. after hearing your advice, one way or another that will settle this and if it is just a strain or inflammation then I can get my intensity and confidence in my core back. Thanks for the advice guys.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Got an appointment in the morning with my doc...and I got a free consult from an RN in the gym tonight...haha no lie, I was wincing as my training partner was handing me dumbbells tonight and this nurse who was training nearby asks me why I'm lifting if it hurts. So I explained the situation and she says "why dont you let me take a look at it"...after the shock wore off I was like OK and she proceeds to probe my package and abdomen in the training office...interesting night...she found the lump I was describing and told me that my symptoms describe a hernia but that the lump is actually a lymph node...BUT it is severely inflamed for some reason and is about 5x as large as it should be. I wonder if this could be related to my gear? Its the closest node to my glutes?

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